Page 31 of Come to Me

"We make quite the team."

Michaela’s smile at his comment stole his breath. “We do, don’t we?”

“I helped too, didn’t I, Aunt Micki.”

“Couldn’t have done it without you, little man.” This time she only took off her shoes when she jumped in the lake. She ducked under the water and came up with a sigh. “I needed that.”

“Can I jump in?” Tate was bouncing on the edge of the dock about ready to fall in.

“Sure thing.” She moved closer to him as he cannonballed fully clothed into the lake.

“Come in, Dr. Patrick,” Tate called out as he dog paddled around.

“Yeah, come in Doc.” Michaela’s expression made Patrick think he wouldn’t do it. That he was too reserved to jump in a lake fully clothed. s

To be honest, he was. And yet, her sweet, challenging smile had him toeing off his sneakers. He emptied his short pockets of his wallet and keys, unlatched his watchband, and took off his sunglasses, tossing them all on his shirt he tugged off and put over his shoes.

“It’s going to be dark by the time you’re ready,” Michaela laughed at him.

“Better late than never, right?” He jumped in. The water level was barely to his hips, so he dropped down to his knees. He sighed as the water cooled his hot skin. He’d been so warm, it was a wonder steam wasn’t rising.

Michaela laughed, but Patrick didn’t feel she was doing so at his expense. No, she was a woman who found joy in the smallest of things, like jumping in the lake fully clothed.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” she asked him.

“Yes, it does.”

“Look at me Dr. Patrick.” Tate dove under the water, reappearing in front of Patrick. “I can swim.”

“Like a fish.” Patrick watched as Tate swam and Michaela floated in the water. They both knew what to do to enjoy the moment. On his knees in the shallow water, Patrick did nothing. Should he float too? Swim? Blow bubbles? How was it he didn’t know? Was he so far detached from himself, from joy, that he didn’t know how to conduct himself in a lake?

Water splashed in his face. He turned to find Michaela smirking at him. “You’ve got that lost puppy look again.”

He shrugged.

She splashed water on him again.

He shook it off. “You’re acting like?—”

“Like what?” Her eyes narrowed in challenge, but the humor remained as she used both hands to splash water at him.

“Like Tate.”

“Am I?” She moved closer, her hand in the water, preparing to douse him again.

“You’ve had your fun.” He held up his hands to protect himself.

“Have I?” She feigned thinking about it. “Nah…not yet.”

Patrick was doused again. “You can stop that?—”

“Or what, Dr. Patrick?”

“Splash her back,” Tate advised.

“Yeah, splash me back.” Her hand coiled back.

“I think that’s enough.” He reached out and took her wrist to stop her. She tried to maneuver away, so he hooked his arm around her, holding her back to his chest to keep her still.