“What does that mean?”
Alexis cocked her head to the side, studying Chelsea again. Chelsea worried she was missing something she should know.
“I guess it’s not weird you don’t know this. Jagger’s kind of sensitive about his past. But since college, he’s never been in a relationship. I’m not sure he’s ever really been in love. Until you, of course.”
There was something about that that made Chelsea sad. Granted, love and relationships were hard and often ended in heartache, but they could be sweet and wonderful too.
“I think I see what he likes about you.”
“You do?” Chelsea couldn’t imagine what that was.
“Sure. You’re pretty. I’m sure he digs the red hair. It’s gorgeous, by the way. Is it yours?”
Chelsea nodded.
“You’re shorter than I’d expected, but you’ve got the curves.”
“So far you think he loves me because I’m a leprechaun.”
Alexis threw back her head and laughed. “You’re funny. Jagger loves a woman with a sense of humor. And you don’t want his money. I’m not sure he’s been with any woman that didn’t see dollar signs when she looked at him. By the way, you’re a fool not to have your lawyer look at that prenup and ask for more.”
“Like you said, I don’t want his money.”
Alexis leaned forward. “I imagine what he loves most is that you love Kaden. Jagger is crazy for that kid.”
Chelsea smiled. That was the one thing she could agree on. “You seem to know him well.”
“Jagger and I go way back.” Alexis leaned forward, setting her forearms on the table and looking at Chelsea with intention in her eyes. “He’s a terrific guy who’s had a lot of crap in his life. He deserves happiness.”
There was a threat in her tone. Chelsea imaged it was the same tone Mitch used with Jagger, although Mitch would have outlined the world of hurt he’d bring on Jagger if he broke Chelsea’s heart. Alexis was subtle, which surprised Chelsea as she’d always thought New Yorkers were blunt.
“I’ll do everything I can to make him happy.”
“Jagger is a good and giving man, unless you betray him.”
Chelsea swallowed as once again she realized just how little she knew about Jagger.
“I tell you this because Jagger has longed to be loved his whole life and the woman who makes him feel that way will have the world at her feet. But if she messes that up, well, let’s just say he’s unforgiving and if you get in his way, you’ll be sorry. Tanya could cure cancer and bring about world peace, and Jagger still wouldn’t forgive her abandoning Kaden.”
Chelsea knew she should be focused on the warning in Alexis’s words, but instead, she was more interested in the comment that Jagger longed to be loved. She’d always seen him as a playboy. They didn’t want love. They wanted fun and excitement.
She shook her head as she reminded herself they weren’t in love. This was all for show. Still, she ached in the knowledge that he’d never experienced love, except, of course, with Kaden. His unwavering, nearly obsessive dedication to the child now made even more sense. No one gave pure unconditional love like a child. And there was no love as sweet and fulfilling as one for a child.
The French doors opened, and Kaden bounded out. “Miss Chelsea!”
“Hey, Kaden.” She hugged him and pulled him onto her lap.
“Jagger says I can carry the pillow with the rings when you get married.”
“Well, of course. No one else can do that job.”
“When I get bigger, you can marry me and Jagger can carry the rings.”
Chelsea laughed. “When you get bigger, you might want to marry someone else.”
“Nah.” He rested his head on Chelsea’s shoulder. God how she wanted this: A family. A child to cuddle with. Not something fake, but a real family.
“Sounds like he’s trying to steal my woman.” Jagger stood behind Alexis, staring at Chelsea holding Kaden. He looked happy. Content. For a split second, it all seemed real.