Page 23 of Wed to You

Chelsea nodded to let him know she understood he was with a woman.

“She wasn’t happy that I left to go help my step-grandmother have a baby.”

For a long time, Chelsea had believed that rich people had the money and resources to make their lives easy, but as she learned more about Jagger’s history, she realized life was messy and complicated for everyone.

Jagger took a long drink of water. “When I got to the hospital, the nurses ushered me in and told me what to do. I remember feeling both annoyed and scared to death.”

“Scared?” Chelsea couldn’t stop from asking the question.

He looked at her. “For the most part, I’d been able to avoid heavy, deep, and real situations. The birth of a baby is about as heavy, deep, and real as you can get.”

Chelsea nodded.

“But I was annoyed, too, at having to do what my grandfather should be doing. Tanya wasn’t my responsibility. She and I got along all right, but she wasn’t married to me or having my baby.” He shook his head. “Selfish I know.”

And appropriate, Chelsea thought. Jagger was judging himself for his negative feelings, and not giving himself credit for being there when his grandfather wasn’t.

“So there I was, saying all the things I thought I was supposed to say to help Tanya, but on the inside wondering how long it was going to take and wondering if Jasmine would let me back in her place when I was done.”

Jasmine.As ridiculous as it was, Chelsea felt jealous.

“And then the doctor held Kaden up and...something shifted inside. At first it was coming face to face with my own pettiness, because seeing this new life put everything in perspective. But then, I felt profound sadness for him.”

“Sadness?” In Chelsea’s world, the birth of a child was always seen as a gift, something to be joyful about.

Jagger sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. Chelsea imagined he was back in that moment, because she could see the sorrow etched on his face.

Finally, he opened his eyes and looked at her. “He was this perfect little person, but he was a Talbot, which meant eventually, his soul would be crushed.”

Wow.Chelsea was shocked at his strong words. She tried to keep her facial expression neutral, but wasn’t sure she had, so she took a drink of her water.

“My grandfather was already done with Tanya by the time Kaden was born, so he wasn’t going to be involved in raising him. My father and I are both examples of what an unloving home can do to a person.”

“What do you mean?”

Jagger laughed derisively. “My father is the most selfish, misogynistic narcissist you’ll ever meet. My life was on that same path. Partying. Women. There isn’t much substance to us.”

“The hell there isn’t.” Her words burst forth in anger. Maybe Jagger had been shallow in the past, but the man sitting before her now, the one who’d changed his life for a little boy and was pouring out his soul to her, that man had substance.

Jagger’s wide-eyed surprise turned to amusement at her outburst.

Chelsea huffed out a breath. “You’re none of those things.”

“Thanks to Kaden. I thought Tanya would be a good mom, but I knew everyone else in his life would ruin him, so I vowed that day to keep it from happening. The world didn’t need another Talbot playboy.”

Chelsea felt her heart expand at the determination and commitment in Jagger’s voice. She’d always been attracted to his good looks and affable personality, but now she admired him. “You’ve always been in his life?”

Jagger nodded. “Tanya was able to keep it together the first year or so, but she complained a lot to my grandfather. He brought in Mrs. Stanton, who’d been my nanny, to take care of Kaden, thinking if Tanya had more time and a bigger allowance, she’d entertain herself and not bother him. Unfortunately, with free time, she just got more depressed, and when one of the house staff offered her a little pick-me-up and a good time, she took him up on it.”

“I don’t understand why people go that route.”

He shrugged. “It’s fast and easy. But it’s also dangerous and messes up your ability to be a good mom.” He took another drink of his beer. “She should be dead. Twice, she OD’ed. The second time, I found her on the floor next to Kaden’s bed.”

Chelsea shuddered.

“I tried to get her help.” Jagger looked into Chelsea’s eyes. “I really did. I never considered becoming his full-time guardian. But she wouldn’t get help. So the more she used, the more I took over his care. Mrs. Stanton is great, but I...” He didn’t finish his thought.

“You thought he needed family.”