Page 98 of Wed to You

A small wave of relief washed through her as she exited the driveway of the Talbot estate and headed toward town. She had no idea where she was going but didn’t really care as long as she was away from snooty, snootier, and snootiest.

She really wanted to talk to Lexie but didn’t know how she could get the help and comfort she needed without telling her the truth about everything. Since she’d promised Jagger she’d keep their secret, seeing Lexie wasn’t an option. The other choice was to go to the only place that had ever been a comfort and sanctuary: her home.

As she drove down the tree-lined street of historic homes, she relaxed even more. Soon she’d be in her own home. The place she’d had love and support and a real sense of family.

When she pulled in her driveway, though, she stopped and double-checked the house number. Why was a work truck sitting in her driveway? She pulled in beside it and got out. Going to the side door, she called out, “Hello?”

A young man opened the screen. “Chelsea Beemer...or should I say Talbot?”


“Yes, ma’am.” He pulled his ball cap off.

She’d gone to high school with Earl and, while she’d gone to college, he’d gone right into his father’s home renovation business.

“Where’s Mr. Talbot? I told him to give me another week before giving you your surprise, but I guess he was too eager.”

Surprise?“He’s not with me.”

“Oh. Well, uh-oh then. But hey, it’s not my fault you showed up.”

“Can I come in and see what’s been done?” She was having a hard time wrapping her mind around Jagger renovating her home in secret.

“Well, all right. But you act surprised now when he tells you.”

“Yes, I will.”

She walked through the door Earl held open for her. “We’ve done all your rewiring and you’ll be happy to know you’ve got a circuit box. None too soon, either, because your fuses were as old as dirt. We put in new HVAC and fixed up your plumbing.”

Stunned, Chelsea walked into her kitchen, with refurbished cabinets, new flooring, and new appliances in the vintage style she’d wanted.

“I hope you like it. Mr. Talbot was adamant we follow the specifications in your book.”


“Yes, ma’am. That one there.”

She looked to where Earl pointed and saw her house scrapbook sitting on the counter.

“The upstairs is done, but we still have to do a little more down here. Mostly painting and trim.”

“It’s wonderful.” She hadn’t left the kitchen yet, but if it was representative of the rest of the house, it had to be perfect.

“Everyone else’s cut out for another job. I was just putting in the new faucets in the kitchen. Looks right nice, if you ask me.”

She looked at the kitchen sink with the Victorian-style faucet. “Yes.”

“I’m gonna head out now. Maggie Mae’s folks are stopping by for dinner on their way to Hilton Head, and she’ll skin me alive if I’m late.”

Chelsea checked her watch, seeing it was just after noon. “You better get going then. Thank you for this, Earl.”

“Why, you’re welcome, Miss Chelsea.” He took his hat off and gave her a slight bow.

“Say hello to Maggie Mae for me.” Chelsea had gone to school with her as well.

“Yes’m, I will.”

Once the door shut behind Earl, Chelsea stood paralyzed in her kitchen. It was like a dream. And Jagger had given it to her. But why? Their agreement was that he’d pay her debts. So why had he done this? How had he known? With the completion of the work only a week away, he had to have arranged for it weeks ago. Shortly after their marriage.

She propelled herself forward, touring the dining and living rooms, admiring the chandeliers, the crown molding, and the beautifully refinished pine floors. She made her way upstairs and found her black-and-white bathroom tile scrubbed to a bright shine and the claw foot tub looking brand new in the center.

In the master bedroom, her furniture was still covered, but the window seat had been cleaned and painted, and new pillows offered an inviting place to read. Wanting to see the full effect, she removed the sheets covering her bed and other furniture. It was like walking back in time to when the house was new. Whirling with emotion, she sat in the window seat. How would she ever thank Jagger for this? Sure, he had the money and so it hadn’t been a big deal on his end. But for him to think of it. To follow through as a surprise gift to her. That was something else entirely.

It made her feel inadequate and petty even. She’d withheld so much from him. Not just sex, but herself. She couldn’t hide her attraction to him, but she was constantly pushing down the emotions that ran deeper than lust. She couldn’t do something as significant as this, but there had to be something that would mean as much to him as this did to her. She didn’t know what it was, but she’d figure it out and, hopefully, he’d feel the belonging and gratitude he deserved.