Page 92 of Wed to You

Chapter Sixteen

Chelsea puta hand on Jagger’s shoulder as he sat down with Kaden at the breakfast table the next morning. He’d worried himself all night about how to tell Kaden about his mom. It broke her heart. While parts of her believed Tanya deserved a second chance if she’d really gotten her life on track, she could see and feel Jagger’s agony over the thought of losing Kaden. He’d been in Kaden’s life since day one, and it would be a tragedy for the court to dismiss that simply because he wasn’t Kaden’s birth parent. She wished she could wipe away his pain and worry.

“Chelsea and I have something we need to talk to you about.”

“Are you having a baby?”

Chelsea gaped.


“’Cause Matthew said his mom and dad are having a baby.”

“I’m happy for them, but this is something else. Remember when you asked about your mom?”

“Yes. You said she couldn’t take care of me because she was sick.”

“That’s right.” Jagger paused.

Chelsea squeezed his shoulder for reassurance.

“She’s gotten better, and she’d like to see you.”

Kaden’s brows drew together. “Do I have to live with her?”

Jagger stiffened. “This would be a visit, like when you spend the day with your friends.”

Kaden shrugged. “Okay.”

Jagger turned back to Chelsea, his eyes seeking guidance.

She shrugged. At five, Kaden had a limited ability to understand the scope of life.

Jagger turned back to him. “The first visit is today.”

“Will you go with me?” Again, worry tinged Kaden’s voice.

“Chelsea and I will take you. There will be some other people and your mom.”

“You’ll be there too?”

Jagger looked down and Chelsea knew he hated the idea that he couldn’t stay with him during the visit. That Kaden would likely be apprehensive about being with people he didn’t know.

“When you see your mom, Jagger and I can’t be there.”

“Why not?”

Jagger took Kaden’s hands in his. “I wish I could be, buddy, but this is time for you to get to know your mom again. It will be okay, I promise.”

Kaden looked from Jagger to Chelsea. “What if I don’t want to go?”

“We don’t have a choice. I’m sorry.”

“I bet they’ll have toys there. Your mom is probably so excited to see you. To see what a great, fun kid you are.” Chelsea hoped to reassure Kaden.

“Do you think she’ll like me?”

“I know she will.” Jagger pulled Kaden into a hug. “You’re the best thing she’s ever done and she knows it.” For all his broodiness, there was no doubt about his love for Kaden. Chelsea admired how well he was able to relate to Kaden, and hold back his own feelings about Tanya in an effort to be supportive and reassuring. Jagger could teach a class to divorced parents on how to be a better parent in a custody dispute. She wished more than anything she could make this all go away for Jagger. That he and Kaden could go on being the perfect little family unit they were. She pushed away the wish that she could join them permanently.