“No. But she’s saying the same thing about her life. Also, Mrs. Talbot will be a target for them as well.”
This time Chelsea flinched. “I’ve got no skeletons.” Of course, that was partly why Jagger had chosen her. It was another reminder of her role. She worked for Jagger.
“Good to hear.” Mrs. Monroe stood. “I’ll be in touch before court next week. Just a reminder, Mr. Talbot, you’ll want to wear a nice suit, but not one that makes you look like a ruthless businessman. Mrs. Talbot, dress like a mom.”
“Uh, okay.” Chelsea had no idea what that meant. Most of the moms she knew wore yoga pants and T-shirts. Certainly, that wasn’t what Mrs. Monroe was hinting at.
“Let me show you out.” Jagger stepped from behind Chelsea.
“No, no. I can see myself out.” She waved away Jagger’s offer as she headed out the door.
Chelsea gave her a head start before standing to exit his office.
“Give me a minute.” Jagger went to the door, looked out, and then shut it so they were in private.
“I need to finish cleaning up the cookie mess before Miss Z gets all riled up again.”
“I’ll handle her. You’re my wife, and she needs to treat you as such.”
Chelsea shook her head. “Actually, I’m no different from her or Grayson or Mrs. Stanton. I work for you, just like they do.”
Jagger’s brows pulled together in a frown. “That’s not true.”
“It is. This marriage is a business deal. You paid a fortune for me, remember?”
He blanched at having his words thrown back at him.
“My part is to serve as your wife and a mother figure to Kaden.”
“That’s how you see things between us?”
“That’s how they are. I suspect your staff knows or guesses at the truth. I got a big payday without having to do too much. Mostly I play with Kaden. Plus I sleep with the boss. No wonder they don’t like me.”
“Don’t say it like that.” Anger reddened his cheeks. “You make it sound sordid.”
His response made her think he saw this as more than a marriage of convenience, but she quickly dismissed the thought. He was attracted to her, and probably cared for her as well. But it wasn’t love. She couldn’t let her silly dreams of a real family cloud the truth.
“Our sleeping together isn’t sordid, but it’s also not what this marriage is about. I forgot myself today. It’s not my place to challenge you, as I did earlier, and I should have no expectation to be treated better by your staff, since I’m essentially staff as well.”
His jaw clenched. “You were right that you need to be a part of this custody case. You’re my wife. You should expect the staff to respect that.” He stepped toward her, but she retreated.
“I play your wife, so I need to look and act the part, but I’m not your wife in the real sense of the word. Not in a way that gives me any power.”
He stared at her as if she’d grown a third eye. But he didn’t contradict her. He couldn’t, because she was right. She’d simply reiterated all they’d agreed to when they concocted this crazy plan. He met his part of the deal, and she’d do better to meet hers.
“I want you to share your ideas and opinions with me.”
She nodded. “Okay.”
“I want you to feel comfortable living here. I want you to make cookies with Kaden or do whatever you want without being hassled by the staff. I’ll make sure they know that.”
Chelsea nodded, but she wasn’t going to hold her breath. Jagger stepped toward her again, and she retreated, lifting her hand to stop him.
“We’re back to that, then?” His dark blue eyes filled with fiery annoyance.
He stepped back and stared at her for a long moment. “For a moment, it was perfect.”