Page 76 of Wed to You

“Because…I’m not like the other women.”

“So?” Was she throwing his past at him again?

She bit her lower lip, as if she was uncertain about continuing the conversation.

Knowing he wasn’t doing a very good job of reining in his annoyance, he took a deep breath. “I like that you’re different.”

The tension in her features relaxed slightly. “I don’t think I’m ugly, but I’m not a glamorous beauty, either. I don’t have the experience—”

His irritation flared again, although Jagger wasn’t sure if it was because she was selling her beauty short or once again highlighting his promiscuous past. He bolted upright, wanting to pace away his annoyance. “I can’t change my past, Chelsea. But I’m not that man anymore.”

“I know.”

He whirled on her. “Then why do you keep throwing it in my face?”

Her brows furrowed together. “I’m not. I’m just saying I don’t have the…skills…”

“You don’t need skills.” He stared at her, hands on his hips.

She looked at him like the proverbial deer caught in the headlights.

“Do you want me to compare you to other women?”

“No.” She looked down.

He studied her for a long moment and then decided he’d end her self-doubt about herself once and for all.

“Come here.” He reached out his hand to her.

She looked at him, uncertainty and hesitation mixing in her expression.

“Come on.”

Tentatively, she reached for his hand, and he pulled her along with him back to the bedroom. He was making his way to the bathroom when he noticed the large mirror over the dresser. “This will do.” He stopped abruptly and she ran into him. He took her shoulders and maneuvered him in front of her, facing the mirror.

“Watch.” He stepped closer to her until his body pressed against hers. Her eyes flared with heat. His hands reached around to the front of her. Taking the lapels of her robe, he inched it open just enough to show cleavage. Her gaze went to his hands, and she lifted her own hands as if she was going to stop him. But he had a point to prove. He stilled his movements. “Watch me, Chelsea. Look at my face and see what you do to me.”

Her gaze lifted to his through the mirror.

“That’s right.” His hands resumed pulling the robe slowly, exposing the area between her graceful neck and shoulders. His gaze held hers for a moment, to make sure she was doing what he’d asked. Satisfied she understood and would comply, he let his gaze drop, watching as the skin of her shoulders was exposed, inch by inch. He took a breath, releasing the negative tension so he could focus on her, and a new tension tightened as her robe slid away from her. He inhaled, taking in her sweet scent. Her skin was creamy with a soft rosy hue that begged for him to touch and taste. He leaned forward and skimmed his lips from the curve of her neck over her shoulder.

Her breath hitched, causing his blood to heat, running thick straight to his loins. Wanting her to know his reaction to her body, he slid one arm around her waist to rest his hand on her belly and pull her back against him. She let out an erotic sigh. He lifted his gaze to her eyes. They still watched him, making him harder and needier. He ground against her, wanting the friction.

His other hand continued to pull away her robe until finally he exposed one breast, its nipple budded tight, ripe, and rosy, begging to be suckled. Unfortunately, he needed to wait. Instead, he released the grip on her robe to slide his hand over her breast, holding it in his palm as his thumb brushed over the sensitive tip. She gasped, and her eyes closed as her head fell back against him.

“You’re not watching.” His voice sounded husky, even to him.

Her lids lifted halfway, and the desire swirling in her dark brown eyes made him want to end this little game to take her from behind right there. But he needed her to know for sure she was attractive. Sexy.

“Your breasts are perfect. Round and soft. So responsive.”

She let out a soft moan.

“Your skin is smooth and creamy.” His lips brushed her shoulder again. “I love the taste.”

He lifted his gaze back to hers, as he ground his erection against her and continued to knead the hard bud of her breast. Jagger had no idea if the women he’d been with before had ever watched him. He’d been more about the sex, the getting off, than the eroticism. But watching Chelsea watch him built the intensity of his need. He was harder than he’d ever been. Painfully so. “See what you do to me?”

“Yes.” Her voice was barely a whisper. A sure sign she was as hot and bothered as he was. He used the hand on her belly to finish opening her robe all the way, letting it drop to the floor so she stood naked in the mirror.