Page 67 of Wed to You

He stepped toward her again but didn’t touch her. “Promise me that if my father says anything hurtful or offensive to you, you’ll call him on it. Don’t just take it.”

“Isn’t it better to ignore bullies?”

Jagger shook his head. “It doesn’t matter what you do, he’ll never change. I don’t want you to think you have to take it.”

She nodded. “Okay. There’s still one problem. I didn’t bring anything for a party.” Not that she had anything suitable for a New York party that she could have brought.

He pulled his wallet from his pocket. “Alexis said she could take you shopping.” He handed her a gold credit card.

“Jagger, I can’t let you buy me a dress.”

“Why not? Dresses are expensive in New York and the only reason you’re getting it is because of me. It seems like I should pay.”

She felt like a charity case but knew he was probably right. A dress suitable for a posh party in New York was probably beyond her financial ability, even with all her debts paid.

She took the card, looking at it with unease.

“And have fun. Buy whatever you want.”

She looked into his stunning blue eyes.

He smiled. “I want you to enjoy this...the shopping, that is. You deserve it.”

She didn’t deserve it, but she’d get a dress that would help her fit in and go to this party because it was important to Jagger.

“I promised I’d take Kaden out for ice cream this afternoon.” Jagger opened the bathroom door. “I’ll see you back here later.”

She nodded. When he left, she studied herself in the mirror, wondering how she’d be able to turn the country girl into the elegant wife of Jagger Talbot.

Chelsea feltlike Cinderella going to the ball in the shimmery, hunter green halter cocktail dress Alexis insisted she buy. The mile-high stilts looked great too, except when she tried to walk in them.

“Jagger may just decide to keep you home in that. You look hot. That green is fabulous with your hair.”

She did look good. After help from Alexis with makeup and hair, Jagger’s sexy smile suggested he agreed. He, as usual, looked fantastic in his dark suit and freshly groomed stubble.

But Jagger’s good-natured mood morphed into broodiness the closer they got to the party.

“God, Chelsea. I hope you don’t leave me after this.” They were riding the elevator up to Marlena Anderson’s apartment.

“It’ll be okay.” She said the words, even though Jagger’s concern suggested she had no idea what she was getting into.

The elevator doors opened and they stepped out. They were greeted by a butler who showed them to a large room filled with people in fancy dresses. It looked like something Chelsea had seen on TV. Only it was real. “Great day!” sat on the tip of her tongue, but she held it back. Gawking would ruin her attempt to fit in.

“Ah, the man and woman of the hour.” A woman with short silver hair in a matching silver dress approached. “She’s beautiful, Jagger.”

“Marlena.” Jagger kissed the woman on the cheek. “Chelsea, this is Marlena Anderson, our hostess. This is Chelsea Beem...Talbot, my wife.”

Chelsea took the woman’s hand and shook it. “It’s lovely to meet you.”

“Ah...the accent. It’s darling.”

Chelsea’s smile faltered as she assessed whether or not Marlena was truly charmed by her accent or being patronizing.

“It’s so wonderful to meet the woman who finally stole Jagger’s heart.”

“Well...actually, I’m fortunate he gave it to me and that he took mine.”

“A romantic too. You lucky dog.”