“I modeled for an art class once.”
She nearly groaned as the image of him hot, hard, and naked posing for an art class seared her brain.
“I went out with a bohemian woman who was an art major.”
“You dated a bohemian type?”
He flashed her a grin. “We went out a few times. Sort of friends with benefits. Artistic types are very…creative.”
She wasn’t artistic or creative in or outside the bedroom, which was a reminder why she should stick to her no-touch rule. “Did she get extra credit for bringing you as the model for class?”
He laughed. “You’ll have to ask her. It’s Alexis.”
Her jaw dropped. “Your lawyer?” Chelsea couldn’t decide what was stranger, that the high-class sophisticated woman in the five thousand dollar dress had once been a bohemian type or that Jagger was still friends with her. Did their friendship still include the benefits?
“No.” Jagger shook his head. “Alexis and I don’t engage in bedroom art anymore.”
How’d he know what she’d been thinking?
“I’d be happy to pose for you, though, if you wanted.” He waggled his brows.
“I’m not artistic.”
He grinned. “But you’re athletic.” He bit his lower lip as his gaze blatantly took inventory of her body. Every nerve ending in her body fired with a desire so acute, she nearly launched herself into his arms.
When he stepped toward her, she thought he was going to save her the effort. Oh, Lordy, did he look sexy, his eyes blazing with heat, as he leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “I have to go. Maybe we can discuss indoor exercise when I get back.”
She blinked and wondered how she wasn’t in a gelatinous heap on the floor. With a wink, he exited the bedroom. She shook her head to gather her wits and followed him to the main living area of the penthouse.
“Don’t let your father get under your skin, Jagger.” Mrs. Stanton straightened his tie. A move that caused a tinge of annoyance in Chelsea. She was his wife. Shouldn’t she be the one making sure he was put together and giving him a pep talk? It was a reminder she wasn’t a part of his world.
“I don’t plan to be long. Alexis is coming over this afternoon to take care of some business.”
“We’ll be ready.”
He pushed Mrs. Stanton’s hands away and headed out the door.
Chelsea felt awkward. What was she supposed to do now?
“Can we go to the park now?” Kaden called from where he sat at the table eating his breakfast.
“Let me get my sweater.” Mrs. Stanton made her way to her room.
“Can I tag along?”
Mrs. Stanton stopped. She stared at Chelsea and then Kaden. “Maybe you want to take him since you’re his…well, you know.”
“I don’t know the area.”
“We’ll go together then.”
Chelsea nodded. It was the first time she’d felt like Mrs. Stanton had recognized her place in the family.
“Are you coming too, Miss Chelsea?”
“If that’s okay.”
“Yay!” Kaden jumped down from his chair and ran to her. “I’m gonna show you how high I can swing.”