Page 58 of Wed to You

“What am I supposed to wear?” Chelsea rummaged through one of the drawers.

“Nothing at the moment.”

Her head jerked up, her eyes wide at first, and then narrow. “That’s not happening.” She turned back to her search.

Undaunted, Jagger made his way to her. He stood behind her, but didn’t touch her. “Why not? You were interested last night.”

“No, I wasn’t.”

The flash of heat in those dark brown eyes betrayed her words. He arched one dark brow. “Liar. In fact, each time we get hot and heavy, it’s because you started it.”

She huffed. “I was interested, but we’ve been through this. It’s not a good idea. My mind gets a little foggy when you’re so close.” She pushed him away and he acquiesced, but only a step back. Enough that he couldn’t touch her, but not so far that he couldn’t smell her: honeysuckle mixed with sun and exertion.

“Why are you denying yourself? You’ve been doing that for years. Now you don’t have to.”

“It’s just not a good idea to muddy the waters.”

“Are you a virgin?”

She gaped. “No. But I’ve always been in a relationship with the men I’ve slept with.”

A flash of jealousy balled in his gut at the idea of other men. He pushed it aside. “We’re in a relationship. We’re married.”

She rolled her eyes. “Only on paper. Being together like that involves more than just bodies, and that’s not what we agreed too.”

“It doesn’t have to involve more than bodies. It is possible to have sex simply for the enjoyment of it. You played tennis with me. Sex can be just another game.”

She studied him and her scrutiny had him shifting between his feet.

“You’re comparing sex to tennis.”

“Sure. Both are done with friends. They involve exercise and fun.”

“Sex is more intimate, don’t you think?”

“Physically, yes. But it doesn’t have to be emotionally.”

She looked down, and he didn’t like feeling that maybe he’d hurt her. He used the crook of his finger to lift her chin. “I’m attracted to you, Chelsea. Clearly, you are to me as well. Yes, we’ve agreed to a marriage of convenience. We can do the same with sex.”

“Sex as a business deal? I think that’s illegal.”

Her words made him angry, though he wasn’t sure why. “It’s more than that. We’re friends. We’re together for the time being, and I want to make the best of it. I enjoy your company in daily life, on the tennis court, and I’m sure I will in bed.”

Once again, she simply stared at him with those gorgeous brown eyes. For a minute, he thought she was going to give in. He was about to suggest they start in the shower, but she shook her head. “I’m sorry, Jagger. I just can’t.”

He bit back a curse, knowing it would make him seem like a world-class jerk. Instead, he lifted his hands in surrender and stepped back from her. “I won’t bring it up again.”

She smirked as if she didn’t believe him. That annoyed him as well. He’d done a good job sticking to their deal so far. She could trust him to continue to do so.

“Do you mind if I take the first shower?” He supposed she’d think he needed a cold one to tamp down his libido, as he had the night before. But she’d effectively extinguished his desire.

She nodded. “Yes. Of course.”