Kaden sat on a porch swing, reading to Mrs. Stanton. The butler stood next to the swing, his features looking stern, making Chelsea wonder if it was a requirement of butlers. Not that she’d met many butlers, but on TV, they’d always looked so serious and severe.
“Miss Beemer!” Kaden scooted off the swing and ran to her. She knelt, giving him a hug as he reached her arms. “I was reading the book you said I should get. Mrs. Stanton got it at the bookstore for me.” He turned, ran back to the swing, plucking the book from Mrs. Stanton, and returned to Chelsea. “See?”
“Yes. That’s a good one. Are you enjoying it?”
“Some of the words are hard.”
“You’ll learn them and then your brain will grow and grow.”
Kaden’s eyes widened and one hand went to his head. “It won’t grow out my ears, will it?”
Chelsea laughed. “No, your skull will grow too.”
“Where’s Miss Z?” Jagger scanned the terrace.
“Finishing things for dinner.” The butler nodded toward the French doors as a stout woman stepped out carrying a tray with a pitcher of lemonade and glasses toward a table set for three.
“I can help you.” Chelsea made a move to assist, but the woman shot her an annoyed glare.
“I can do it.”
Chelsea flinched and stepped back.
Jagger’s hand caressed her back. “She’s sensitive about her kitchen and duties.” He kissed her head and then turned to his staff.
“Chelsea, this is Grayson and Miss Z, and you know Mrs. Stanton.”
“Hi.” Chelsea lifted her hand in a hello gesture.
“Everyone, this is Miss Chelsea Beemer.”
Miss Z stopped fussing over the table settings and stood, with her hands clasped in front of her just like Mr. Grayson.
“She was my teacher.” Kaden took her hand and swung it with excitement.
Miss Z and Grayson nodded their acknowledgements. A prickle of unease formed in her belly. She was going to live in this house with these cold, distant people. It made her think of the movies in which an ordinary girl went to live with rich people and never fit in because she didn’t know the rules of polite society.
“While you’re all here, I have an announcement to make. Chelsea and I are getting married.”
Mrs. Stanton’s brows shot up, disappearing into her hairline. Grayson’s face remained impassive, but he shifted slightly. Miss Z’s frown drew tauter. Not good.
“We want to get married as soon as possible. Next weekend before the trip to New York. Any help you can give us with that will be appreciated. More importantly, I expect you to include Chelsea as part of the family.”
Gazes shifted from her to Jagger and then to each other, but there was still no congratulations or outward signs of response. Chelsea’s prickle was quickly morphing into indigestion. It was clear no one knew what to make of the announcement.
“I’m not pregnant,” Chelsea blurted.
Jagger flinched next to her.
She looked into his surprised but amused expression. “It’s all so sudden that they might think I’m with child...but...well, I thought they should know we’re doing this because we want to, not because we have to.”
His hand rubbed her back and he winked before turning back to his staff. “She’s right. We’re getting married because we’re in love. I know it’s a surprise...shock even, but I know you’re happy for us.” The last part had force behind it. As if he was giving a command.
“Well, congratulations.” Mrs. Stanton stood, giving Jagger and then Chelsea a hug. “How wonderful.”
Chelsea hoped she was better at pretending she and Jagger were in love than Mrs. Stanton was at pretending she was happy for them.
“Congratulations.” Grayson extended his hand to Jagger. “Welcome to the family.” He reached out to shake Chelsea’s hand.