Page 47 of Wed to You

Chapter Seven

“Higher this time.” Kaden swam into Jagger’s waiting arms. Jagger lifted and tossed Kaden, who landed with a splash a few feet away, his water wings pulling him to the surface, where he emerged laughing.

The time at the fair with Chelsea had been pleasant if he ignored the scowls from Mitch. Once Chelsea’s friends had gone their own way, and it was just the three of them, the day had been nearly perfect. Initially, pretending to be in love had been awkward. He’d never been a hand-holder or someone who showed affection in public before. But as the day wore on, he didn’t think about how to act, he simply did what came naturally whether it was brushing his thumb across her lower lip to wipe off cotton candy or tugging at a beautiful auburn curl blowing around her face. When it was time to say goodbye, he nearly carried natural instinct too far by kissing her. God how he wanted to kiss her, especially since he teased himself earlier with her taste. Their agreement was to show affection only as part of the ruse. He might have been able to get away with it in the parking lot, except there would have been nothing fake about it. At least on his end.

Once they’d returned home, Kaden napped while Jagger checked on the horses. They decided to swim before Chelsea came for dinner.

“Again.” Kaden paddled his arms back to Jagger.

“You’re going to grow gills.”

“Like a fish. No, a dolphin.”

Jagger was pretty sure dolphins didn’t have gills, but it didn’t seem worth explaining. Not every minute had to be a learning moment. Would that be different with Chelsea there? As a teacher, would she seize every opportunity to impart knowledge as Kaden’s step-mom...or actually step-niece? Jagger laughed at the sound of that.

“Mr. Talbot.” Grayson’s voice broke through Jagger’s thoughts and Kaden’s splashing in the water.

“Yes, Grayson.”

“Detective McKenna is here.”

Of course he is.“Bring him out here. See if he wants anything to drink.”

“Higher, Jagger.”

“This is the last time, sport.”


“I’ve got to meet with Mitch and you need to get cleaned up to see Miss Beemer.” Jagger wondered what he should have Kaden call Chelsea now. It seemed a little too formal to call her Miss Beemer. He’d been in Virginia long enough to know that most children didn’t call adults by their first name. He’d received some odd stares from people in town when Kaden called him Jagger. So maybe she’d be Miss Chelsea.

“One more after this,” Kaden pleaded with wide eyes and a demure smile. Cuteness usually got Kaden a lot, but not this time.

“Last time. Are you ready? I’m going to throw you way up this time.” Jagger swore he could feel Kaden’s anticipation ripple through the water. “Ready?”


Jagger lifted and threw Kaden. He’d gone a little higher, but not too far. While Kaden wore water wings and Jagger was in the pool with him, he still didn’t want to take any risks.

Kaden sputtered to the surface. “Again!”

“Sorry, champ. We’ll do it again tomorrow.”

Kaden swam toward him and Jagger dragged him to the stairs. By the time they’d exited the pool, Mitch and his scowl were standing on the patio.

Chelsea blewout a breath to steady her nerves and rapped on the door. She was relieved when Jagger opened it instead of his butler.

He smiled, his blue eyes twinkling, and as usual, they dazzled her into confusion.

“Come in.” He stepped back to give her room.

She walked in and stood, feeling awkward. His hand snaked out, wrapped around her, and pulled her to him. He bent his head, pressing a kiss to her jaw, sending delicious spirals of sensation through her. “Remember, we don’t have to hide anymore.”

He lifted his head, his gaze capturing hers in an expectant stare. She supposed he meant someone was watching and they needed to put on a show. She wasn’t sure what compelled her to slide her hands around his neck, threading her fingers through his short hair, except maybe her desire to take back some control in this out-of-control situation. Or maybe it was that she couldn’t stop thinking about tasting him after he’d pulled away from her in the parking lot.

She pulled him to her and kissed him, long and hard. He groaned, and one of his hands tangled in her hair, pulling so her head tilted back farther and he could take the kiss deeper, and as he did, her control slipped away, replaced by an edgy need.

When he finally came up for air, his expression was amused. “We’re out back.” He put his arm around her, guiding her on the same route they’d taken before. She didn’t see anyone else along the route, until they reached the terrace, making her wonder what the show in the foyer was all about.