She sighed. “I gave up caring about it a long time ago.”
“Really?” He didn’t look convinced.
“My mom raised Brian and me to always look for the silver lining. So, I didn’t have my father. I had Paw Paw—”
“Paw Paw?” Jagger’s lips twitched upward.
“Yes. Paw Paw and Mema, and Brian and my mom. I didn’t need a dad.”
Jagger’s features drew more serious. “Are you always able to find the silver lining?”
Chelsea shook her head. “Sometimes it’s harder than others. Losing Brian and my mom...that’s been hard. But I have Lexie and Mitch. I have my students.” She glanced over at Kaden. “I know Brian and mom would want me to make the most of life, so I focus on that. And I have some good moments.”
“Like what?”
“Like now. Skipping stones with the two cutest men in the county.”
“Cute.” One dark brow rose.
Chelsea laughed as she nodded.
Jagger accepted the compliment with a shrug and turned to walk back toward where Kaden was poking the riverbank with a stick. “I want to get married soon. Next week.”
Her head whipped around to him. “People will think I’m expecting.”
“They’ll be wrong.”
“I know northerners, or maybe it’s because you’re rich, don’t care what people think about them, but down here, what people think is important.”
“What people think isn’t important anywhere. But if you’re worried, we’ll just say we’ve been together nearly a year and engaged since...I don’t know...Valentine’s day, but only now that school is out are we saying anything.”
“I guess I just didn’t think it would be so quick.”
“Tanya says she’s getting a lawyer and I believe her. It’s only a matter of time before I’m served papers.”
“You don’t think people will be suspicious?”
“They might, but if we stick to the story and act like it’s true, we’ll be fine.”
“Do you do this a lot?”
“Get married? No. I’ve never done it.”
She rolled her eyes. “No. I mean lie. Put on elaborate shams?”
“Everyone lies. But I’ve never done anything like this.” He rested his hands on her arms. “I can’t tell you how important it is that he stay with me.”
“I know.” His commitment to Kaden and dedication to keeping him were the only things she was completely sure of.
His eyes softened in understanding. “Look, I get that this isn’t what you imagined when you thought about getting married. I’m probably not the kind of man you saw yourself with.”
She frowned, wondering what he meant by that.
“I know that even though you’re getting the financial security you want, you’re uneasy about all the potential ramifications.”
That about summed it up.
“But it doesn’t have to be awkward or uncomfortable. I like you, Chelsea.” His hand rose to palm her cheek. “If Mitch hadn’t intervened, maybe this wouldn’t be so out of left field.”