Well, of course she wanted him to. She was a woman, after all. And he was Jagger Talbot, the epitome of sexy. But just because she was curious about what his soft lips tasted like, and how it would feel to have that dark, devilish stubble rub her skin, it didn’t mean she’d actually do it. If Jagger’s reputation was correct, he wasn’t a man to go too long without indulging with a woman. She wondered how he’d managed it with Kaden in the house. She hadn’t heard any rumors about him with someone in Charlotte Tavern, so he must make return visits to New York. He probably had a few lady friends with benefits. So what would happen if she agreed to this arrangement and chose not to include sleeping with him?
“What if I never want to?”
His wicked grin faded slightly. She imagined he was wondering what was wrong with her. What woman wouldn’t want Jagger Talbot to touch them? He’d probably never had a woman turn him down.
“Then I won’t.”
She tilted her head and studied him, trying to gauge his sincerity. “Even if this marriage lasts a year?”
“Even if.” But she could hear the tightness in his voice.
“The thing is, if I do this, I’ll end up being the woman who couldn’t keep Jagger Talbot happy and have a divorce in my background. I don’t also want to be the wife who was cheated on.”
She thought he might argue that it wouldn’t be cheating because their emotions weren’t involved. It would be a fake marriage.
“I won’t cheat.”
“How will you manage?”
He shook his head, as if he was shaking away his annoyance. “First, the fact that you’re asking these questions means you’re considering my proposal.”
Damn, he was right.
“Second, I’ll do anything to keep Kaden, and if I need to give up sex to do that, I will. I’ve got a strong hand.”
His comment shocked her but, at the same time, she found the image of him pleasuring himself titillating.
“On the other hand.” He stepped closer to her. He didn’t touch her, but she felt the heat of him, the scent of him slid around her like a caress. His blue eyes held a sensuous gleam. “Maybe you’ll grow to like and trust me. This may be a business deal, but that doesn’t mean it can’t include pleasure too.”
She tamped down on hormones that were screaming for her to start right then and there by launching herself into his arms. She clasped her hands behind her back to make sure she didn’t do just that.
Her brain, on the other hand, was waving all sorts of red flags. What if she liked him enough to include pleasure in the deal? What if after Kaden’s custody issue was resolved, she was emotionally attached to Jagger? She might come out of this financially secure, but was it worth the emotional risk?
“Jagger, I see myself as a forever kind of gal. If I do this, I’ll have to deal with the fact that it will end. It will be hard enough ending a marriage and leaving Kaden, who I know I’ll grow even more attached to. I’m not sure I can separate sex from affection, which means sleeping with you might lead to more than you want.”
He stepped back. “I’m not looking for love, Chelsea. Not that I’m adverse to having a “forever” with someone someday, but—”
“I get it.” She swallowed the lump of humiliation. “I make a good wife on paper when custody is involved, but I’m not the type of woman you’d normally fall for.” Because it was too hard to stand there and see the pity in his eyes, she started walking up the path toward the boys.
“Chelsea.” His fingers curled around her arm to stop her and then slid down to clasp her hand in both of his. “You’re right about the first thing—that I want the court to see a good family. As far as the second, I can’t think of that now. To be honest, I’m not even sure if I’m capable of that kind of love. I like you. I think you’re smart and beautiful. This marriage could be fun, and we’d both come out of it with what we want most. You’d have your home free and clear.”
She sighed. She’d already lost so much in her life. Her home was the only thing left. It contained all her memories of her mother and brother. Losing the home would be like losing them again. She’d feel like she let them down.
But Jagger’s idea was crazy. A marriage of convenience? Who did that except in romance novels?
“This is ridiculous.” Chelsea started walking toward the boys again. She was stopped when Jagger took her arm and pulled her close, too close. Her brain fogged, making it difficult to think when he stood near her.
“I know what I’m asking is beyond crazy. But I love that boy. I want to keep him safe. I need your help to do that.”
How could a woman’s resolve stand up to that kind of impassioned, desperate plea?
“Will you think about it at least? Kaden and I are going to the Dogwood Fair tomorrow. We’ll grab a spot near the river for a picnic. If you show up and join us, I’ll know your answer is yes.”
“I have to work tomorrow.”
He smiled. “Not if you marry me.”