“What’s presti...”
“It’s important. Everyone who comes to our house will see it.”
“Yay! Maybe Miss Beemer can come see it.”
Jagger sat back and smiled. “Yes. Maybe Miss Beemer.”
Chelsea tookadvantage of the two days off before returning to the diner. They seemed like a luxury since, over the course of a year, she’d had a total of five days off.
Since her mother’s death, her life had been filled with teaching and working at the diner. She did both during the school year and worked at the diner full-time during the summer. The two days after school ended and two days before school started, plus the few holidays the diner was closed, were the only days she took off.
She looked over her financial statements. Should she have worked the last two days after all? Not that two extra days of diner income would make a big enough dent. She was drowning in debt. The mortgages taken on the house didn’t cover her mother’s medical bills, so along with a first and second mortgage, medical bills were piled on her kitchen table. It was becoming clear that her only way out was selling the house. The idea of it tore her in two. The house had been in her family since it was built in the 19th century. She didn’t want to be the Beemer who lost the family home. But what else could she do? She’d sold everything else, including her bike. There were a few antiques left in the attic, but she’d resisted selling them because deep down she hoped to keep the house, and they’d make great pieces if she could ever get the house fixed up to its former glory.
She looked over at her house book, a scrapbook filled with all her restoration and decorative ideas. Things she couldn’t do because she couldn’t afford them. As usual, tears burned her eyes at her failure. She was sure Brian and her mother would understand, but the house was the only thing she had left of her childhood with them. She blew out a breath, not wanting to dissolve into tears again. If she had a nickel for every tear she’d wept over her situation, she’d have enough to get out of debt and then some.
What she needed was to find a new solution. What else could she do to generate the money she needed? She’d done a million Internet searches about making money online. Some looked viable, but she hadn’t had the time to figure them out, much less try them.
Or she could accept Lexie and Drake’s offer to help. In fact, Mitch and Sydney had offered as well, but Chelsea couldn’t bring herself to take their money. For one, she was sure it would change their relationship. Not that they’d lord it over her, but she knew it would make her feel indebted to them, and she didn’t want that. Second, she had her pride; she had to take care of this herself.
She went over the bills again, wondering why she bothered. The numbers never changed. Her phone chirped and she was eager for the distraction.
“Chels? It’s Jagger.”
Jagger. Her heart flip-flopped, as it always did when she heard his voice. Would her hormones ever stop lusting for him? “Hi, Jagger.”
“Kaden and I are having a little lunch gathering and wanted to invite you.”
Chelsea sank into her chair as questions swirled in her brain. Why was she being invited to lunch? It was a gathering, so maybe many people were being invited. She didn’t have anything to do that day, except lament over her financial situation. Still, she wasn’t sure going to Jagger’s house for lunch was wise.
“Can you come? He’s eager to share something with you.”
Ah, so it wasn’t Jagger who wanted her over, it was Kaden. She felt a twinge of disappointment, and she chastised herself for it. It was sweet the way Jagger indulged Kaden. “Uh, yes, I can come.”
“Excellent. We’ll see you about twelve thirty then.”
“I’ll be there.” She looked at her watch, noting she had only an hour. “Is there a dress code?”
“Yes, you should dress.”
She smirked, until she realized he couldn’t see her expression. Before she could respond verbally, he said, “Wear something comfortable. We’ll be eating outside.”
She was about to hang up when Jagger said, “I’m looking forward to seeing you, Chelsea.”
What did he mean by that?There was that little thrill again. She really needed to learn to calm it. Even if Jagger was flirting, she wasn’t interested in being the next notch on his bedpost. Okay, it might be fun in the moment, but she didn’t want to have that kind of fun only to be discarded when Jagger moved on to the next woman. She’d have to do better in taming her libido and hope to goodness that if he were flirting, she’d be able to keep a level head.
At twelve thirty, Chelsea walked into the Talbot home. This time a butler answered and led her toward the back of the house as Jagger had done a few nights before.
“Miss Beemer.” Kaden came running around the corner and into her arms. “You’re here.”
“Yes. Just in time.”
“Come look.” He grabbed her hand and led her to a room off the hall. At the back, there were built-in floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. The room was painted hunter green with ornate white trim and wainscoting. Leather chairs the same color as the walls sat to one side, while a large comfortable-looking chaise chair rested near a large window. The walls were decorated with pictures, except for the one frame Kaden was excitedly pointing at.
She studied it closer. “Your graduation certificate.”