Page 25 of Wed to You

Mitch hadn’t ever warned her away until that night. He hadn’t said anything at the wedding or afterwards.

“I know he’s protective of me, but not why he’s so negative about you. Do I need to be warned?”

He smiled, but it had an air of mischief. “Do you want to be warned?”

There was no reining in her hormones from that. An electric thrill ran the entire length of her body before settling in her chest, making her heart hammer.

He cocked his head to the side. “No one ever worries about warning me.”

“About me?” That was ridiculous.

“Sure. Despite what some might say, I have a heart too.”

“Has it ever been broken?”

“Not yet.” His gaze held hers, studying her as if he was wondering if she’d be the one to give him a taste of heartbreak. That was even more ridiculous. For that to happen, he’d have to love her. No, he was just flirting in the way Jagger did with all women. Did he even realize it?

She stood. “I should probably go. If Mitch finds out I’m here, you might get in trouble.”

“Except you came to me.” He stood and moved closer to her. He didn’t touch her, but he didn’t have to for her to feel the heat of him. For the scent of sexy devil to surround her. “I’m willing to risk it.”

She bit her lower lip as she took a step back in retreat. She extended her bottle to him. “Thank you, Jagger.”

He nodded at her, amusement dancing in his gaze. “You’re welcome, Chelsea. Let me walk you out.”