Page 17 of Wed to You

“Please.” Tears streamed down her face, but Jagger wasn’t swayed.

“Hi, Mitch.”

Her eyes narrowed and hate was etched on her face. “I’ve already talked to a lawyer and I’m going to get him back.” She stalked to her car and drove off.

Chelsea walkedup the front steps to Mitch and Sydney’s Craftsman-style home. Chelsea was happy for them, just as she was happy for Lexie and Drake. They’d all found their soul mates. She envied them as well. She longed for true love. A husband, a home, and kids. She knew it wasn’t too late, but her need to always work to stay afloat financially made dating impossible. Even now, she was on the cusp of losing the home her ancestors had built over a hundred years ago. It had been mortgaged to pay medical bills for her mother. Had her mother lived, the financial burden would have been worth it. But her mother didn’t respond to treatment. In hindsight, Chelsea knew she wouldn’t. Brian’s death, just a year before the cancer diagnosis, had weakened her mother’s health and resolve. The official cause of death was cancer, but Chelsea knew it was really a broken heart.

Shaking her head of her woes, Chelsea knocked on the door.

“Hey, Chels.” Mitch grinned at her. While her life was hard, it wasn’t without its good things. Mitch was one of them. He’d taken Brian’s place, and while she felt he took the big brother role a little too seriously, it was a comfort to know he was there.

“I brought leftover goodies from my classroom party today.” She held up the plastic container of cookies, cupcakes, and brownies. “And here are a few tulips from a student. They’re a bit droopy now, but maybe with some water they’ll perk up.”

“You survived another year.” He opened the door to let her in.

“I don’t survive teaching. I love it. It’s the diner I have to survive. But I took the rest of the week off before starting full-time over the summer.”

Mitch’s expression was sympathetic and, for a minute, she thought he’d offer to give her money again. Lexie had done the same. But Chelsea didn’t want their money or pity. She was strong and she’d find her way. Fortunately, Mitch seemed to know his offer was a lost cause, so instead, he smiled. “We’re out back. Lex, Drake, and the babies are already here.”

Chelsea followed Mitch through the kitchen to the back deck.

“Hey, Chels.” Lexie stood with one five-month-old baby on her hip and Drake held the other in his lap. Chelsea hadn’t been surprised they’d had twins. After all, Drake was a twin. Seeing Lexie so vibrant and radiant from the happiness of motherhood sent another tinge of jealousy through her chest. She pushed it aside to hug Lexie.

“They’re getting bigger every day.” Chelsea reached out and little Oliver wrapped a chubby hand around her finger.

Lexie grinned. “They’re finally sleeping at the same time too. I just had my first full night of sleep.”

“Hello, Chelsea. Can I get you wine, lemonade, iced tea?” Sydney appeared from the back door.

“Hi, Syd. Wine would be wonderful.”

“Coming right up.”

“So, how’d the last day of school go?” Lexie sat back in the chair.

Chelsea found another and sat next to her. “It was...different.”

“Different? How?” Lexie shifted Oliver so he could sit and play with a stuffed sea horse toy.

“Jagger Talbot was my teacher’s aide today.”

Mitch turned from the grill.

Lexie’s eyes widened. “Really. Why?”

“I’d like to say he took my stern talk about being involved in Kaden’s education to heart, but I think he was worried. Kaden’s mom showed up today.”

“Why would he be worried about the mother?” Lexie bounced Oliver on her knees.

“I don’t have all the details, but—”

“Rumor has it she had a drug addiction.” Sydney reappeared and handed Chelsea a glass of wine. “I remember hearing a couple of years ago when I was still in New York that she left the baby and Jagger’s grandfather for her dealer.”

“How could a mother do that?” Lexie pulled Oliver closer and kissed one of his chubby cheeks.

“I remember when G.W. married her.” Drake switched baby David from one knee to the other. “It was a cliché, but still surprising.”

“Why?” Chelsea turned towards Drake.