Page 124 of Wed to You


Chelsea stoodat the end of the aisle, staring up into Jagger’s brilliant blue eyes. His gaze shone with such love, her knees were weak. He looked devastatingly handsome, but it wasn’t his white shirt or dark slacks that added to his allure. It was the baby pack slung over his chest where baby Annabelle, their sweet daughter born just eight weeks earlier, slept. Standing next to Jagger, stood Kaden, holding the pillow bearing their rings. Tanya sat in the front row, a wide smile on her face.

A year ago to the day, Chelsea had stood in this same spot, overwhelmed with doubt and worry as she married a man in a fake ceremony. Today there was nothing fake about their love or commitment. After discovering the pregnancy, they’d decided to wait before renewing their vows, wanting to share all their joy with friends and family. So now, on their first anniversary, they were doing it all over again.

“Ready?” Mitch stood by her side, taking the traditional role of the father in giving her away.

She nodded. “I’ve never been more ready.”

“Brian would be proud of you. He’d be happy for you and Jagger. I wish he was here.”

Chelsea choked back tears, not wanting to start blubbering before she made it up to Jagger. “Thank you, Mitch.”

He nodded and took her arm, and they made their way up the aisle. The first time, each step closer to Jagger brought doubt and worry. This time, it seemed to take forever to reach the man she loved and wanted to spend the rest of her days with.

Lexie stood on the other side of the minister, grinning, while Drake and their housekeeper Claire held the twins, now nearly 18 months old. Sydney stood next to them, holding her and Mitch’s five-month-old baby boy, Brian.

The sight of everyone she loved and cared for sharing in her happiness, and also having their own happiness, was almost more than she could bear.

She finally reached Jagger, taking his hand and leaning forward to kiss baby Annabelle, who was sleeping peacefully against his chest. When she looked up into his eyes, they held love and awe and a few tears. She smiled, lifted herself onto her toes, and kissed him.

“We’re not at that part yet.” Lexie laughed.

Chelsea didn’t care. As far as she was concerned, it was always time to kiss Jagger. To show him how much she loved him. To help him see he deserved to be loved.

She turned to the minister, who began the proceedings. The first time, they’d gone the traditional vow route. How could they have done anything else when love and commitment hadn’t been the goal? This time, they had each written their own vows.

The minister directed Jagger to start. He looked at her, his eyes watering, his voice choking up, forcing him to start over. There was an audible sigh from the guests. Chelsea sighed too. There was nothing sweeter than a man overcome with love. Even better, was that it was her man and his love was for her.

“Chelsea, a year ago, I stood here and spoke many of these same words. At the time, they were empty, and I’m ashamed of that. I had no idea that love and happiness existed. You showed me that. You loved and protected me, even though I didn’t deserve it. You brought love and light and laughter into my life, and I’m forever grateful that you said yes a year ago so that we could be here today, having you say I do again.”

Chelsea smiled, wanting to kiss him again as his words wrapped around her.

“I promise to love you forever and beyond that, if God will let me. You’ll never want for anything, and especially for love. I vow to make sure you know everyday how beautiful you are, how much you are loved, and how thankful I am that you’ve given me a life and Annabelle, and a future I never dreamed possible.” He looked down and bit his lip. Returning his gaze to her, he shrugged. “I just love you. I always have, even when Mitch tried to run me off.”

There was a laugh and Mitch, sitting with Sydney, had the good grace to look chagrined.

“I will always love you, Chelsea. Always.” He lifted her hand to his lips.

Annabelle made gurgling noises, snuggling into Jagger as she settled deeper into sleep.

“Chelsea?” The minister directed her to proceed with her vows.

She’d worried over her vows because the words to express her love and devotion didn’t seem to exist. She’d finally put a few things together and hoped he understood the depth of her love for him.

“Jagger, as beautiful as your eyes are, so is your soul.”

An “aww” sounded from the congregation.

“You have shown me what true love is. How deep and pure it can be.”

He shook his head, so she reached out and pressed her palms to his cheeks.

“You have. I want to spend every day for the rest of my life showing you just how much you’re loved and appreciated.” She looked down, again feeling like her words were falling short. She let her hands fall from his cheeks to rest over their baby. Looking up at him, she finished her vows. “You will never feel alone or abandoned as long as I’m with you. It will be my goal every day to remind you what a treasure you are. I love you, Jagger, with everything inside me.”

They exchanged rings and finally, the minister was announcing them as husband and wife. Jagger’s fingers brushed her cheek as they made their way to cradle the side of her head.

“I love you.” He dipped his head, brushing his lips over hers.