“Wasn’t ours real?”
“It was legal, but I want to do it all over. A wedding where the vows are true. Where I can say in truth how much I love you.”
Tears filled her eyes. “I’d like that.”
“And new rings. Not an engagement ring, but a wedding band. You can keep this one, for now. I want everything this time to be genuine. Not because of a baby, either. We do this no matter what that stick says. Because I love you.”
She nodded. “I love you, Jagger.”
Her words swept over and through him like a comforting blanket. Pushing the bitterness and fear away, leaving only what was important. His love for her.
She kissed him. “Should we check now?”
He took a breath and nodded. She reached for the pregnancy stick and together they read the results. Then they looked at each other.
“You’re going to be a daddy.”
He thought it wasn’t possible to be happier than he’d been the second before he saw that blue plus symbol. He pulled her to him, cradling her, his hand stroking her belly, hoping she knew she was the most important thing in his life. “Thank you.”
“Thank you?” She was laughing, giddy with excitement.
“Thank you for giving me all this.”
“You deserve this, Jagger. All of it. You’re a good man.” Then her eyes turned feral and her smile seductive as she pushed him back. “My hormones are raging.”
He was gentle when he rolled her, bringing their bodies into perfect alignment. “I can help you with that.”