Chapter Twenty-Two
Chelsea hung up the phone. That was the fifth time in several days Sydney had called and insisted she take the pregnancy test. “Eating right isn’t enough, Chelsea. What if you’re not pregnant? What if it’s something else? Take the damn test.”
She was right, of course. It wasn’t fair to the baby, if there was one, to ignore its needs. If she was pregnant, she’d just deal with it. She’d hoped she’d have heard from her lawyer by now that Jagger had signed the papers. Actually, she’d hoped Jagger might show up and sweep her off her feet. Idiot. The lawyer said he’d follow up in the next day or so. In the meantime, she’d take the pregnancy test. She’d left the test in her bedroom bathroom, so she made her way to the stairs. A knock on the door interrupted her plans.
Chelsea opened the door and her heart stopped. Jagger looked as handsome as ever, even with dark circles under his eyes. Hope rose, but she pushed it down. He should have gotten the divorce papers and all he had to do was sign. Unless he was planning to take her to court. Maybe he was going to ask for his money back. Her stomach pitched at the idea. How would she ever get the money?
“I want to talk to you about this.” He lifted a manila envelope that had the return address of her attorney.
She nodded and opened the door to let him in, even as fear gripped her. She knew firsthand the lengths he’d go to in order to get what he wanted, and she’d never be able to compete with him. If he wanted his money back, the only thing she could give him was her house.
“Are you all right?” He stepped into the house. “You don’t look well.”
“I’m fine.” She wasn’t sure how she managed to get those words out. “Do you want something to drink? I’ve got lemonade or sweet tea.” The thought of both made her stomach churn.
He studied her for a moment before declining. She motioned him into the living area.
“Jagger, thank you again for all this work on the house.” What she wanted to say was how much she loved him. Except they were there to talk about divorce, so what was the use?
“It turned out nice.” His voice was tight and she wondered if he regretted doing it.
She motioned for him to sit. He selected a chair. She sat on the couch, wanting to lie down, but she managed to stay upright.
“Is this what you want?” He waved the envelope and then tossed it on the coffee table in front of her.
She looked at the envelope and then to him. It was a strange question, considering what he’d said to her the last time they were together.
“It’s what we agreed would happen.”
“That’s not what I asked.” His eyes flamed with anger as he asked again. “Is this what you want?”
Chelsea closed her eyes, hoping that by not looking at him, she could make heads or tails of why he was so mad about the divorce. “You told me to go.” She opened her eyes.
He just looked at her for a moment and then he raked his hands over his face. He sat back, turning to look out the window as if he was gathering his thoughts. Finally he turned back to her. “I was angry and took it out on you.”
Her heart did that little jump again, almost allowing hope to enter. She clamped down on it. She was already broken by the loss. She couldn’t hope again only to have her heart broken. “I betrayed you.”
He gave a curt nod. “If you hadn’t, I’d be on the run or in jail. I see that now.”
“Are you able to see Kaden?”
“I gave Tanya the house and have been staying in the guest cottage. I get to spend time with him every day. She’s...she’s been great. You were right about that too.”
There was a part of Chelsea that wondered if maybe Jagger and Tanya shouldn’t get together. They both wanted Kaden and could make a happy family. “I’m glad you could work it out. He’s still in your life. You must be happy about that.”
“Yeah well…you’d think so, wouldn’t you?” He looked at her this time not with anger or bitterness, but with such sadness. “So why am I miserable?”
Chelsea swallowed. “I don’t know.” Her words came out on a squeak.
“I’ll tell you why.” He stood from his chair and sat on the coffee table in front of her. “It’s because of you.”
Chelsea stared at him blankly. She wished he’d get to the point of the visit because she was tired of trying to decipher it.
“I don’t want this.” He picked up the envelope and waved it at her again.
“You don’t?” This time she wasn’t able to completely push away the hope that filled her heart.
“I’ve been a jerk and a fool when it comes to you, but I’m also selfish enough to go after you even though I don’t deserve you.”