Page 117 of Wed to You

Chapter Twenty-One

Chelsea lether friends in the house and then resumed her spot on the couch. She only left it to get food and take care of nature. She slept there, because her own bed reminded her of that perfect afternoon with Jagger. She showered, but that was about as far as her personal care went. She knew she looked it too, in an old pair of sweats and an army shirt of her brothers, and her hair looking like it had been combed with an eggbeater.

Over the last few weeks, her depression had taken on a life of its own. She had no energy. At times, she felt physically ill. All she wanted to do was sleep.

“You look terrible.” Lexie entered the living area with Sydney following her.


Lexie planted her hands on her hips and gave her a, “get your lazy ass up” look. “Have you talked to him?”

Chelsea shook her head. Why would she talk to Jagger? He’d tossed her out. She expected divorce papers to arrive any day. She couldn’t figure why they hadn’t come yet. It had been two weeks since he’d kicked her out of his house and his life.

Sydney sat on the coffee table in front of Chelsea. “We’re worried about you, honey. Mitch is beside himself.”

“I just need time.”

“For what?” Lexie sat next to Sydney on the coffee table. “Because, as far as I can see, you have way too much time. This is not the Chelsea Beemer I know.”

Chelsea wanted to pull her blanket over her head but it wouldn’t do any good.

“Why don’t you get dressed and we’ll take you to lunch.” Sydney patted her arm.

Chelsea shook her head. “I don’t feel like it.”

“Have you been eating?” Sydney’s doctor eyes inventoried Chelsea. “You do look like you’ve lost weight.”

“I’m okay. I just don’t feel well.”

“Like sad don’t feel well, or sick don’t feel well?” Sydney reached out to touch Chelsea’s forehead.

She pushed Sydney’s hand away. “A little of both.”

Sydney sat back, her brows pulled together in thought. “Is there any chance you could be pregnant?”

Chelsea shook her head. “No.”

Lexie snorted. “Seriously? You were married to Jagger Talbot and you never had sex with him?”

Chelsea couldn’t decide if Lexie’s doubt came from her belief that no one would be able to keep their hands off him or that Jagger couldn’t go that long without sex.

“We did, but most the time we used condoms, and I’m on the pill.”

“You know it’s not foolproof.”

Sydney shot Lexie a look that said, “you’re not helping,” or maybe it was, “back off.” Not that Lexie would. Then Sydney sighed. “Lexie’s right. No birth control is foolproof. Did you miss any pills?”

“No. I took as directed.”

“It’s still possible. It does happen sometimes.”

“It worked when I was in college.”

Sydney shrugged. “We don’t completely know why it doesn’t work all the time. Changes in hormones, misuse, interactions with medications.”

Chelsea’s senses were overwhelmed. She was barely coping with the loss of Jagger, with all that had happened. How could she be pregnant too? “They should put a warning on the label.”

Sydney’s eyes were sympathetic. “They do.”