Page 111 of Wed to You

“There is a third option here.”

“Which is?”

“You let me take Kaden home and you can run off to wherever you plan to go. Although, in that scenario, Kaden loses you. He’ll lose you if you run, too. You’ll be found and put in jail. All rights, even these part-time ones, will be terminated. Plus you run the risk of Kaden someday resenting you for trying to keep him from his mother.”

Jagger sagged against the car as all the fight evaporated from him.

Mitch put a hand on his shoulder. “You’re a great dad, Jagger. Kaden needs you in his life. Don’t let him down.”

Jagger knew there was no way Mitch was going to let him go. The last thing he wanted was for Kaden to watch Mitch arrest him. He nodded and got back in the car.

“Change of plans, buddy. We’re going home.”

“No adventure?” Kaden’s voice sounded disappointed.

“Not today.” Jagger waited until Mitch moved his vehicle, then he pulled out. As he took the road leaving the small county airport, he realized he needed to tell Kaden about the new custody arrangement. “How about ice cream?”

“Can I get dipped?”

Jagger’s voice caught. “Yeah, buddy, you can.”

He pulled into the ice cream shop, with Mitch right behind him. He let Kaden out of the car. When Mitch rolled down his window, he told him, “I need to tell him what’s going on.”

Mitch nodded and killed the engine then exited his vehicle. “I’ll get one too and wait here.”

Jagger ordered two swirled, dipped cones and led Kaden to one of the outside tables. “I need to talk to you about something.”

“Okay.” Kaden climbed into the seat then took his cone from Jagger.

Jagger sat across from him and wondered how the hell he was going to explain the situation to Kaden. Worse, how would Kaden take it? “You know how you’ve been visiting your mom?”

“Yep.” Kaden took a bite of the ice cream, breaking off a big chunk of chocolate.

Jagger reached over, taking the big hunk hanging out of Kaden’s mouth with a napkin.


Jagger laughed, but it was bittersweet. “About your mom. She loves you a lot, just like I do.”

“I know.”

“She’d like to spend more time with you. Like have you stay with her at her house sometimes.”

Kaden looked up from his ice cream. “Why?”

“Because she loves you. She’s your mom.” The words tasted bitter in his mouth, but he reminded himself Kaden was an innocent bystander.

Kaden bit his lip, and Jagger wished he’d made that plane. “The thing is, I want you to stay with me always.”

“Me too.”

“We went to a judge, and the judge said we have to share time with you.”

“Why can’t I stay with you and visit like I have been?”

Jagger’s heart shattered in little pieces. “I wish you could. I wanted you to. Kaden? Look at me, okay?”

Kaden looked at Jagger.