Rage and terror roiled in Jagger’s gut. “I’ll ruin you if you try. Don’t think I won’t make sure everyone knows every sordid detail of your life.”
“You’re not perfect either.” Her chin lifted in defiance, but her voice quivered.
“No. But I don’t use drugs or abandon my responsibilities, especially to family. Since the day Kaden was born, I’ve been there.” He thumped his fist over his heart. “Since you abandoned him and his father died, I’ve been there. Biology doesn’t make you a parent, Tanya.”
“I know I’ve made mistakes. But I am his mother, and I will have him back.”
His hands clenched at his sides as he stepped toward her. Her eyes widened and she scrambled into her car. She glared at him through the window as she started the engine. Dirt billowed as she drove off.
Jagger watched for a moment as the anger dissipated into satisfaction at running her off. He hoped she headed out of town and never came back.
“I will have him back.”Her words came to him and with that, panic erupted. He grabbed his phone from his pocket, thankful he’d set an auto-dial for Kaden’s school. While he called, he ran into the house.
Grayson stood in the foyer. “Who was—”
“My keys.” Jagger headed toward the kitchen, where he knew Grayson stored his keys.
“I’ll get them.” Thankfully, Grayson understood the gravity of the situation without needing an explanation.
“Yes, this is Jagger Talbot.” He continued behind Grayson as the school secretary greeted him on the phone. “I need you to check on Kaden Talbot and make sure no one besides me takes him.”
“Only people on the approved pick-up list—”
“You don’t understand. Someone, a woman, Tanya Gilson…she might say she’s Tanya Talbot, may try to get him. Under no circumstances are you to let her have him.”
“I assure you only people on the—”
“She may not check in.” Good Christ, how could she not hear the desperation in his voice? “Someone needs to have eyes on him at all times.”
“Mr. Talbot—”
The sigh of annoyance set him on edge. “Put the principal on.”
“I’ll pull the car out.” Grayson jangled the keys and then headed to garage.
Jagger nodded and followed him out.
“You know what? I think I’ll just call the police.” He was about to do it too, but then the secretary acquiesced.
“There’s no need for that. I’ll get the principal.”
Jagger slipped into the Porsche Cayenne, barely giving Grayson time to get out. He’d always wanted to see just how far and fast he could push the luxury SUV, but he hadn’t thought he’d do it trying to prevent Tanya from abducting Kaden. He pulled the door shut and put the vehicle in gear, not bothering with his seatbelt. He bolted down the drive, barely stopping before pulling out onto the rural road.
“I understand there is a concern regarding Kaden’s safety—”
Jagger didn’t let the principal finish. “I need someone to check on him now and keep eyes on him until I get there.”
“There’s no need to come down, Mr. Talbot. I understand your concern. The busses are just arriving here at school and we’ll make sure no one other than you—”
“I’m coming. Check on him now.” He hung up, not wanting to listen to more patronizing. The schools made such a big deal about safety and parent involvement, but boy did they make it hard sometimes.
He made a circle around the school, looking for Tanya and her car. Not seeing them didn’t alleviate his dread. He parked and ran into the school, making a beeline to Kaden’s classroom.
“Mr. Talbot.” A tall, lean, middle-aged woman in a navy dress stepped out from the office as he made his way past. She held out a paper. “Kaden is fine, but you’ll need this visitor’s pass to go to his class.”
He skidded to a halt long enough to grab the paper. “Thanks.” And he was thankful. She got it; she understood his fear and panic. He ran, not caring that he was breaking rules, to Kaden’s classroom. He got himself under enough control to look through the door’s window instead of bursting in like a lunatic. At first, the room looked empty, but as he scanned, he saw the children standing in a semi-circle around Chelsea. They were making strange hand movements. He listened and realized they were singing and acting out a song. Scanning further, he saw Kaden standing next to Chelsea. Relief came in a wave.