Page 109 of Wed to You

“It doesn’t sound like it.”

“I’m on Kaden’s side too. You said yourself you want a normal life for him. What’s normal about running? About him visiting you in jail when you’re caught?”

Jagger slammed on the brakes in the driveway. “Are you coming or not?”

She studied him, trying to find the man she’d spend the last few months falling in love with. She’d admired his commitment and the steps he’d go through to keep Kaden. This was too much. Too far.

“Stay then.” He got out of the car, slamming the door behind him. Chelsea sat, waiting for her heart to stop racing. He was going to run. He invited her to go, but she loved both Jagger and Kaden too much to break the law. Jagger had the means to run now, but once he was gone, all his assets would be frozen. His father would likely get control of all their money. It would be more difficult to keep running without Talbot money to fund it. Which meant, eventually, he’d be caught.

She had to stop him but didn’t know how. He was too deep in his anger to see reason. She made her way into the house. Grayson and Miss Z stood with stunned expressions in the foyer. “Where’s Mrs. Stanton?”

“Packing for Kaden.”

Why wasn’t she stopping this?

Finally, Miss Z grabbed Chelsea’s arms. “You have to stop him.”

“I don’t know how.”

“You’re his wife. He’ll listen to you.”

So they’d finally bought the scam, and now she’d have to admit her deception. “Nothing, not even me, trumps Kaden.”

Grayson shook his head.

Jagger hurried down the stairs carrying a large duffle bag. Mrs. Stanton appeared a few minutes later. The worry etched on her face told Chelsea she didn’t like this plan any more than the rest of them.

“Where’s Kaden?” Jagger dropped his bag by the door.

“He’s coming.” Mrs. Stanton set a small suitcase and a backpack next to Jagger’s duffle. “Jagger. Are you sure this is the only way?”

“I won’t let her take him.”

Chelsea wondered what Jagger had explained to them about the outcome. Did they know he retained some rights? “The judge awarded joint custody.”

“Joint?” Mrs. Stanton’s gaze went to Jagger. “You said she won.”

Jagger whirled on them all. “Kaden is staying with me.”

“What’s going on?” Kaden stood at the top of the stairs, his eyes wide and fearful.

“It’s okay, Kaden.” Chelsea tried to reassure him, even though the situation was dire.

“Come on, Big K. We’re going on an adventure.”

Kaden descended the stairs, looking at each person in turn as if he knew something was up.

“Jagger, don’t do this. You’ll lose him for sure.” Chelsea pleaded again.

“Get in the car, Kaden.”

Once Kaden trotted out the door, Jagger turned to her. “Last chance. You coming?”


He shook his head and then rushed out the door.

“You have to stop him.” Everyone chanted at once.