Chapter Nineteen
“I’ve reviewed allthe reports of the case and I have to say, this is one of the harder cases I’ve had to decide. There is an idea that courts favor mothers, but I can’t deny all that Mr. Talbot has done for young Kaden Talbot. That coupled with his resources and the fact that he’s settled are all in his favor.”
Chelsea watched the judge and tempered a brief flutter of hope, knowing there had to be a “but” coming. The custody trial for Kaden had come quickly. Too quickly. They had all settled into a life that felt real and nearly perfect. While she knew Jagger cared for her, the truth was, their marriage was about Kaden. Today, the decision about Kaden’s custody could be made and, with it, Chelsea’s life could change again. No matter what the judge decided, once custody was determined, Jagger wouldn’t need her anymore.
There had been a few moments when she thought he might want her to stay with him. But he’d never said the words, and finally she had to recognize that it was her own wishful thinking. After today, her time with him could be over. If not today, sometime in the near future.
“At the same time, Miss Gilson is the child’s mother. While she made bad choices, all reports indicate she’s done everything asked of her to prove her fitness. She has a stable job and home, and all her drug tests have come back clean.”
Jagger shifted and tensed. Chelsea reached out to hold his hand.
“Your honor, there were some—”
“Mr. Masters, you’re interrupting. My guess is you’re wanting me to deal with the issue of the questions raised about Mr. Talbot’s marriage.”
Chelsea flinched. She had thought Meg Carter had been fooled.
“If I give weight to that, then I have to consider the question of whether or not your client is simply after her son’s sizable trust fund and her willingness to make a deal with her former stepson to get that money.”
Mr. Masters didn’t press. Chelsea glanced at Mrs. Monroe, who wasn’t making an attempt to respond. “I’ve reviewed all the information and determined Miss Gilson is sincere in her custody case and in fact knew she wouldn’t ever have control over Kaden Talbot’s trust. I can’t fault her for accepting financial help. Lawyers aren’t cheap. While the timing may be suspect in Mr. Talbot’s marriage, that’s not a concern of the court, either.”
The judge paused, looking first at Tanya and then Jagger. “My decision will be viewed as unusual, but my burden is to do what is best for the child.”
Oh, please, ran like a mantra through Chelsea’s mind.
“Jagger Talbot is not Kaden’s biological father, but he’s done everything a father would do and more. Miss Gilson is Kaden’s mother and children have a need and right to know their natural parents. Therefore, I’m ordering joint custody of Kaden Talbot to Jagger Talbot and Tanya Gilson.”
Mrs. Monroe put her hand over Jagger’s. She leaned closer to him and whispered. Chelsea couldn’t hear what she said, but she suspected it was a warning.
“Each will have equal responsibility and custody of Kaden. Miss Gilson, that means you need to meet half of Kaden’s financial burden.”
“Yes, Your Honor.”
“How the visitation will be set up will be determined in mediation. Since you’re both in town, it should be easy to design a plan that gives him equal time at both homes. Prior to mediation, Miss Gilson can have overnight visits with Kaden starting tomorrow for two days.”
“Tanya, don’t do this.”
Chelsea heard the desperation in Jagger’s voice and her heart went out to him. She wished she could hug him or do something to stop the pain that had to be crushing him.
“Jagger, I—”
“It’s not your turn to talk.” The judge’s voice was firm but he seemed to show sympathy for Jagger’s situation. “Mr. Talbot, I’d be well within the law to award full custody to Miss Gilson.”
“Your Honor,” Mr. Masters started.
The judge sent him a chastising glare, then she returned her attention to Jagger. “You’ve been a wonderful parent to young Kaden. I’d hate for him or you to lose that.”
“He appreciates your consideration, Your Honor.” Mrs. Monroe patted Jagger’s hand again.
The judge banged the gavel to adjourn their hearing.
“Tanya, you can’t do this.” Jagger’s voice shook as he stood for the judge’s exit. “He’s all I have.”
Chelsea felt the sting of his words even as she hurt for him. Kaden wasn’t all he had. He could have her. She’d tried to tell him that so many times. When she encouraged him to find purpose beyond Kaden, she was telling him he could build a life with her.
“Mr. Talbot, let’s go.” Mrs. Monroe ushered Jagger from the court, leaving Chelsea to follow. But she was too stunned to move.