Chapter Eighteen
Something changedbetween them that night in her house. Chelsea wasn’t ready to believe Jagger loved her as she loved him, but it didn’t really matter. She was his. For however long he wanted her. They had a marriage contract, but she behaved as a real wife in every way. Not just for show. Not just in the bedroom. But with her whole heart and soul.
Jagger was different too. Not just toward her, but toward life in general. He was less tense and didn’t brood as much, even when they were taking Kaden for his visits with Tanya. While Jagger might not love Chelsea, she was sure he felt something more than just lust and appreciation. Whatever he could give, for however long he could give it, she’d accept it. Honor it.
He wasn’t the only thing that changed when she returned home. While she couldn’t say Grayson and Miss Z were friendly to her, they definitely weren’t mean, abrupt, or rude anymore. Mrs. Stanton was much more open and giving. Chelsea almost felt adopted by her.
So the next few weeks were filled with a bliss Chelsea had only imagined before. So much so, she felt comfortable going to lunch with Lexie and not worrying about revealing the true nature of her marriage.
“Great day, Chelsea. I thought maybe you got lost in that house.” They sat on the outside terrace of the local bistro, despite the oppressive heat.
“No. Life has been busy. You’ve heard about Kaden’s mom, right?”
“I can’t imagine how poor Jagger is taking it. You’re fighting it right?”
“Yes. Mrs. Monroe is his lawyer.” Chelsea sipped her iced tea.
“She helped Michelle Lassiter keep her kids. She must be good.”
“I hope so.”
“Mrs. Talbot.” Chelsea looked over to where a woman had called her name. Immediately she went still.
“We haven’t been formally introduced, but I am—”
“I know who you are.”
“I don’t.” Lexie sized the woman up.
“This is Tanya Gilson, Kaden’s mom.”
“Oh.” Immediately the air chilled. Chelsea appreciated Lexie’s loyalty.
“Look, I know I shouldn’t be talking to you. My lawyer says not to contact Jagger, although he wouldn’t listen to me if I did. I don’t know how else to do this.”
“You can drop your suit.”
Tanya looked down. “If you were a mother, could you drop it?”
“No. But I wouldn’t have left my child.”
Tanya scraped her hands over her face. “I don’t want to fight with Jagger on this.”
“Good, because you’ll lose,” Lexie said.
Chelsea loved how Lexie was right there to stick up for Jagger.
“I know what he’s done for Kaden. What he tried to do for me. I want Jagger to know I’ve turned my life around. I’ve been clean for nearly a year. I have a job. I’m single and not dating, if Jagger is worried about that. Most importantly, I want Jagger in Kaden’s life. I just want to be there too. It doesn’t have to be either or.”
“Then sue for visitation, not custody.” Chelsea wondered if that was even a possibility.
“I’m his mother. I want to make it right. Look, I can see now this was a mistake. Maybe you can tell Jagger what I said. That I don’t want to take Kaden out of his life. I know he loves Kaden and Kaden thinks the world of him.”
Chelsea gave her a curt nod. She was pretty sure Jagger wouldn’t have a good response to Tanya’s message.
“Also, tell him I’m not taking any more of his father’s money.”
“What?” Chelsea sat up.