The man power walking down the sidewalk was the polar opposite of Lewis. Where the younger man was a wet blanket, this man had authority and substance. His suit was a perfect fit, tailored within an inch of its life so it sat like it was molded to him, his briefcase was clean and new, but it was his eyes that told the story I wanted. They were whip-sharp and cold as ice.
This was a man who could get shit done, a man who wouldn’t cower in front of Mari. He was a powerhouse.
“Ms. Marcosa, sorry for the wait. Greyson.” He shook their hands before turning to me. “You must be the new underboss, Dominic Marcosa. I’m Ronan Donnaghal, founder of Donnaghal and Sons.”
I shook his hand, pleased at the instant respect he gave all of us, only to smother a laugh when he turned a furious gaze on his son. “What are you doing here?”
“Ms. Marcosa called about her friend, so I came down and?—”
“I’m aware of her call. My question is, why are you standing here gabbing, instead of inside getting her sister out of lockup?”
The clarification didn’t go unnoticed, and I could see Lewis’s pulse jump in his throat. “The-the police said we needed to wait to talk to the commissioner?—”
“On your mother’s tits, I swear you’re as useless as a third nipple.”
Ronan made it three steps before turning back with a practiced, impassive look. “Apologies for the delay, Ms. Marcosa. If you’ll wait outside, I’ll get this sorted for you. In the future, you’ll be meeting with my daughter, Laidan. She’s my pride and joy and is much more like her Da than this one.” He jerked a thumb toward Lewis’s red face and sighed, though it was obvious he was going to rake his son over the coals before this was over. “How they shared a womb, I’ll never know.”
I thought Mari would decline, but she must’ve realized that the officers wouldn’t give us Shara with her inside.
“Text me the second you have news.”
“Of course.” Ronan turned away, barking over his shoulder, “Get a move on, lad. Seems I need to teach you how to get things done.”
With another glance at the hallway where we knew Shara was being held, Mari led us out the door and into the chilly night.
Habit had Grey and me boxing Mari in until we could get her somewhere mostly protected.
“I don’t like being out here. It’s too open.”
“We don’t have a choice,” Mari snapped. “I’m not leaving her.”
“I didn’t say you would.” Frustration welled inside me, and even though I knew it was because of Shara and Mari’s disappearing act, I couldn’t stop it. I took a breath, ready to open up the can of worms right there, but Grey’s hand on my arm stopped me.
I looked over, frowning when he carefully shook his head. Not here. Not the time.
No shit, it wasn’t the time, but fuck, I wished it were. Deep breaths weren’t cutting it, so I finally just reeled Mari into my chest. Even if I was annoyed at her, I needed that closeness.
“Still mad?”
“Okay.” The faint sound of vibration had everyone tensing as Mari looked at the text. “Shara will be out in a minute.”
Her shoulders drooped, and she leaned into me, full of relief.
I wasn’t much better. Not only because I could get Shara out, but because it meant I could force Mari back behind the Celestine’s walls. I wasn’t a controlling man by nature, but waking up to find her gone had taken ten years off my life and nearly all of my fucking patience. “Good. Grey and I will drive you both home.”
“Not necessary. I have my car.” She stepped away, idly tapping at her phone as she responded to Ronan.
“I don’t care. You’ll come with us.” Her head snapped up, and I saw the urge to argue before I stepped forward and dropped my voice. “Don’t even think about it, mariposa. You snuck out without a fucking note, and now I’m not letting you out of my sight. Moore can come back for your car later.”
She would have fought me if Shara hadn’t stepped out the station doors with a saccharine smile and a middle finger in the air. “See you never, assholes.”
Lewis frowned next to her as they made their way toward us. “Maybe it would be best not to antagonize the police.”
“Maybe they should’ve used their brains before arresting me in the first place,” Shara retorted with a cheeky grin, though one look at Mari wiped it away. “You look like shit.”
“Gee, I wonder why.” The two hugged and whispered to each other quietly before Mari pulled back. “Where’s Ronan?”