Page 13 of Fierce Monarch

“My father’s journals,” Mari explained. “And Antoni’s, if I can find them.”

“You want to read your dad’s diary? Do you think that’s a good idea, considering?—”

Considering he had been a fan of the ladies and he’d had no problem writing that shit down. Cameron didn’t know Mari, Antoni, and I had snuck into the library more than once as teens to read all about it. It had scarred us for life.

Mari snorted, her lips twitching as if she almost wanted to smile before smothering it. “I’m not looking for my father’s sexcapades. We think there might be information on Cash in there.”

Cameron tilted his head. “Are you sure? I thought you already looked through them.”

“Apparently not far enough back.”

Her cousin hummed then shook his head. “Well, be safe. I already had most of Aislynn’s stuff packed up and shipped to the house while we were gone, so we should be good to go. I think I saw them in the library last time I was there.”

“Perfect.” There was a pause and an uncomfortable silence, and I saw Mari squirm for the first time in ages. “Cam?—”

“I know about the bomb,” he whispered, his hands clenching at his sides as he followed her to his feet. “Warner, too.”

Even though the news should’ve come from her, Mari looked grateful she didn’t have to say it. “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t. It’s part of the life. They all knew what they were getting into, and even if Warner had known he was going out that way, he still would have done it. He loved this job, he loved you, and he was loyal to this family. He wouldn’t have changed a thing.”

“I hope you’re right,” Mari said sadly.

“I know I am.” Cameron pulled her into a tight hug, whispering in her ear. “Take care of yourself.”

“Be back later. We have a meeting with the capos.”

“You got it.” He turned back with a wink and a pointed look. “Don’t forget your presents.”

Then he was gone, leaving us alone. I stepped closer, wrapping her up the second the door was closed. She sagged in my hold, her breathing choppy and unstable, but she didn’t cry. She wouldn’t.

“Not yet,” she whispered. “I need a little more time.”

I could see her pulling her walls back up, but when she looked at me, I saw a crack of something warmer. Something closer to my Mari, my reina, and it gave me hope.

“A little more time, love,” I said, letting her go. Knowing that in doing so, I would get her back all the quicker.

While most of the Celestine had been remodeled into suites, three floors below the penthouse, we’d created an office in case we were compromised. The place was bare and beige, but it did the trick. The chairs were comfortable, the coffee serviceable, and the space big enough for what we needed. This was the first time we’d had to use it.

I stood behind Mari in the massive conference room, knowing that what she was about to say was potentially deadly.

“Why are we here, Mariana?” Joaquin asked. Even if Dominic hadn’t told me what happened, I would’ve had no doubt Joaquin was in the know. He was just too fucking shifty not to be.

“We had a security breach,” Mari said simply.

He hummed in his throat, tapping his pen against the table. Tap, tap, tap. “A security breach. Care to be more specific?”

Mari took a fortifying breath. “Nate is an Ace.”

“Not just an Ace, but a Beckstrom,” Joaquin corrected with a cheerful smile, like his niece’s pain made him happy. Dominic and I both growled, and he rolled his eyes.

Cameron’s voice was droll, but his gaze was soaked with rage. “If you knew what was happening, why ask?”

“I wanted to make sure everybody else was aware.”

“How did you become aware?” I asked softly, pinning him to his seat with a glare.

“One only has to look outside to find out what Cash is doing.”