Page 90 of Fierce Monarch

“I’m going back for your cousin, angel. Do you have her?”

I thought he was talking to me, but Greyson spoke. “Of course. You should stay.”

“I can’t. I’ve got a job to do.” He brushed his lips against my forehead. “Love you, angel.”

“Wait!” I croaked, but he was gone. Suddenly, I regretted asking him. I wanted him with me, even if it cost me my only cousin.

Was that love or obsession? Was it greed? Was it wrong? It felt wrong. I didn’t want to lose either of them, but I wasn’t sure I could lose Nate again.

Cool hands wiped a cloth over my eyes, fingers caressing my cheeks. “He’ll be back, reina. Have faith.”

I’d had faith once, but it had all been burned out as surely as the walls of Cameron’s house. Faith was for people with the luxury of believing, but I could hope—and I did.

Grey worked on clearing my face, telling me all about Ash while he did. Apparently, she and Dominic were in the ambulance. Aislynn woke up just long enough to refuse to leave until Cameron and I were out. Dominic had passed out almost immediately after he’d dropped her on the gurney. The smoke inhalation and the strength it had taken to get them outside would have him out for a few hours. Long enough for Nate to disappear again without risking Dominic’s wrath.

A small miracle. I listened to Greyson’s rambling, but my focus was on the house in front of me. Every second that passed made my hope flag a bit more until I was certain I’d just lost Nate for good.

When he walked out, clothes steaming and my cousin held in his arms as securely as he’d held me, I thought I was going to die. My heart pounded in my ears as he walked closer, laying Cameron at my side.

“He’s alive, but he needs a hospital.”

“I’ve already called Dr. Grant. She’s waiting for us,” Grey offered.

Wanting to thank him, I turned back to Nate, only to realize that his clothes weren’t just smoking because he’d been inside. “You’re hurt.”

His shoulder was a mess, the skin red and angry. He looked down at it, and even if I couldn’t see his face, I knew he winced. “I am, but I can’t stay.”

“You can’t let that go untreated,” Greyson said, stepping closer. “You’ll get an infection or something.”

“If I stay and he finds out, we’re all dead. My mom, the three of you, me. You have no idea how unstable he is.”

“So, tell us.” It was an olive branch, but one he’d earned.

Nate didn’t have to save us. He didn’t have to go back in to get my cousin, but he did. For me. Actions spoke louder than words, and while Nate may have been Cash’s, he’d proven he was mine where it counted.

He sighed, rubbing his sooty thumb over my fingers. “If he finds out I was here, Cash won’t care what his plans are. He’ll blow the city sky-high. He’d rather be king of the ashes than nothing at all.”

He leaned over and moved the mask high enough so he could brush a kiss against my lips. “I have to go. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“Wait!” I sat up, struggling until he slid his arm behind my back and helped me. “This can’t go unpunished.”

Nate sighed. “I know, but…he’s unstable, angel. I don’t want you anywhere near him. Not without me, and I can’t go with you. Not yet. Not until I’m done.”

I wanted to ask what he was waiting for, but I was realizing that I needed to have more trust in my men and Nate. He needed me to try. We both did. “Give me a target I can hit that he’ll care about.”

“The Cardinal.”

What the hell? “That’s Marcosa territory.”

“Not the second basement.”

Motherfucker. Deciding not to comment on the second basement in my building, I asked, “Why is it important?”

“Our father used to live there before you took it over.”

I remembered what he’d said, about Cash’s obsession with Alec and Mario taking over where their father was trying to rule. Knowing that, it made sense that Cash had a home base his father used. He was trying to emulate him. “We’ll take care of it.”

Nate clenched his hand around mine, forcing me to focus. “Mari, I need you to be careful. Cash isn’t just unstable because he’s a psychopath. He’s unstable because he’s an addict.”