Derek’s end was messy, but quick. A gift for his willingness to spill Cash’s secrets, even if he had to die for spilling mine. The bloody slash on his throat was more personal than a bullet to the head, a message to Cash and his people.
Death is coming.
Dominic was in charge of the body, which would be left somewhere public. What was the point in leaving a message if no one saw it?
Greyson kept pace as I headed to the connected wet room, stripping off my clothes and placing them in a bag for incineration. “Someone in the family is keeping secrets.”
He leaned up against the wall, watching me even as his mind was whirling. “Seems like it.”
I mulled it over as I washed the blood from my hair and skin.
Who had a reason to take me out? Who wanted me gone and was willing to undermine my authority to do it? Who wasn’t happy with their position in the family?
“Do you think the other uncles are in on it, or is he working alone?”
Grey’s eyes were soft with a touch of pity I hated. “They’ve never worked separately before.”
True. My capos were a unit and always had been.
“So, they all hid the tips coming in about Cash. Are we assuming they’re working together?”
The idea of a Marcosa working with a Beckstrom was insane, but there were too many signs I couldn’t ignore anymore.
How had so many of my people turned? How had Cash figured out the right buttons to push to keep them under his thumb? How had they hidden under my nose for so many years, not to mention my brother’s and my father’s before me?
They had help. They had an insider.
I had a rat.
Another one.
“Motherfuck.” I rinsed myself off, stepping to the other side of the room where a small wardrobe sat behind a waterproof door. The old servants’ quarters were small, barely big enough for me to lie down in if I wanted to, but they suited our purpose fine. Slipping a change of clothes on to the sound of Grey power-washing the wet room, I sighed.
Everywhere I looked, Cash had a handhold. He’d build an empire underneath mine, ready to shake the earth and topple us at any moment.
Was it even worth fighting for? Seattle was my legacy, my birthright, but at what cost? Could I keep us safe without endangering us more? Was it worth the fight?
It had to be.
Cash had taken my brother from me, my cousin. Nate. Even if I wanted to leave, I couldn’t. Vengeance was mine, and a blood debt was owed.
Cash was going to die. There was no other way.
Knowing Grey would help Dominic when he was finished, I slipped out of the room and into the hallway, fully intending to leave the house, when a noise somewhere above startled me.
I had my gun in hand in seconds, my breathing slowing as I tried to figure out who the fuck was in my house.
The lights were off in the hallway, and even though I wanted to text the boys a warning, I didn’t want to risk my vision in the dark. Not to mention, giving away my location.
Creeping slowly through the halls of the home I’d grown up in, I tried to keep myself level.
It’s probably just one of the men coming to check on things.
But that didn’t feel right, especially the farther I went. When I crested the stairs to see light spilling out from the library, I nearly swore. I didn’t want to go in there. Didn’t want to see the destruction I’d caused. I wasn’t sure I could handle it yet. I might’ve been more grounded after last night, but that didn’t mean I wanted to face my actions when I was still cracked and broken.
But I had to. I wouldn’t let my weaknesses hurt my family again.