“Never, but this is unprecedented territory. Anyone who thinks for sure they could keep you safe is a fucking idiot.” We all stared at him, and he shrugged. “Guarantees aren’t a thing in this life, and I don’t deal in absolutes.”
“What are you suggesting, then?” Mari’s shoulders were heavier, the weight of the world on them once again.
“We put you and the capos under twenty-four-seven guard.”
“It shows we’re weak,” Dominic argued.
“It shows you’re protected,” Tennessee corrected absently, keeping his focus on Mari. “Everyone knows you can handle yourself. It’s not a concern in this city. Despite whatever it is they think now, no one’s going to come after you like that. Your family is another situation entirely. They were already a threat, and now they’re sharpening knives. They need to know they aren’t getting to you without a fight. You know I’ll follow orders, even if I want to argue. If you really don’t want more security, I won’t put it on you, but I think it’s best. Plus, it’ll give us the availability to watch them too, see if we can figure out what they’re doing before they make a real attempt on you.”
“Is there anything in our world that isn’t a double-edged sword?” Mari murmured.
Another shrug came from Tennessee. “It’s the way things go.”
There, in the silence of the conference room, Mari cracked just a little. Her shoulders slumped, her fingers rose to massage her brow. She let a little bit of the exhaustion she was feeling leak out until she stoppered it again in front of our eyes. Like all soldiers, we steadfastly ignored our leader’s breakdown. If anyone was entitled to one, it was Mari.
Finally, she turned back to Tennessee. “If you think this is best…”
“I wouldn’t suggest it otherwise, and you know it.”
Tennessee smiled, looking more than a little relieved. “I promise it’s only until this is over.”
Mari stared at him with speculation, but it was gone before she voiced it, leaving the room heavy with the unspoken question of how long will that be?
Chapter Five
If the meeting with my inner circle was bad, I considered the phone call with Dr. Grant, though necessary, even worse. “Ms. Marcosa, I wasn’t expecting to hear from you so soon. Is someone dying already?”
I kept my fingers tight to stop the shaking. “I need a house call immediately.”
“For what exactly? I’m very busy running your ward.”
I tried to recall if she was doing immunizations today or something else, but the knowledge was lost in the haze. “STI tests.”
She scoffed, though she tried to hide it. “Can they wait?”
The thought of waiting even a single day made my stomach roll. “No. I need them done today.”
“For all four of you?”
My heart ached at how easily she’d accepted my relationships. How easily Nate had fit.
He’s a liar.
“No. Three.”
My voice cracked, and silence filled the line until her voice came back softer and weighted with understanding. “I see. One moment, please.”
The sound of paper shuffling and her muffled voice as she spoke to someone else kept me company until she returned. “I’ll be right there.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet, Ms. Marcosa. You haven’t gotten the bill.”
I didn’t give a single fuck. I’d pay her entire yearly salary tonight if it meant I could get this done ASAP.