Page 102 of Fierce Monarch

Nate sighed. “Look, I know?—”

Dominic’s fist interrupted whatever he was going to say. When his face twisted as he geared up for a second hit, I pulled him away. “That’s enough. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

Nate’s eyes drifted immediately to his injured side, and Dominic’s narrowed suspiciously. “Maybe it’s good that you’re here after all. I’ve got questions for you.”

With a carefully blank face, Nate nodded for him to continue.

“Why did your men save my life?”

“Wait, what?!” I might as well have been invisible for all the attention they paid me.

“I did it for Mari.”

“Do you expect me to believe that?”


“How many Aces are under your control?”

Um, what?

“None. There are just some who don’t like how far Cash is taking things.”

“If Mari had been in jail, would your men have helped her?”

“If they could. We have a few women planted in that side of the jail who would’ve done most of the work. Some guards too.” When he saw us staring, he shrugged. “I’d call in a lot of favors to get you out of jail alive, angel. Anything else?”

Apparently satisfied, Dominic stared at Nate for a long minute before turning to me. “Do you really trust him?”

“I’m going to try.”


How could I explain it when I barely understood myself? “Because my gut is telling me to. Giving second chances is what I do for people I love, and while it may be a weakness, it’s one I can’t seem to forget. Nate’s hurt me, but he’s helped me too. I owe it to myself to see which side of the fence he falls on.”

“He could kill you.”

“I won’t,” Nate argued. We both ignored him.

“He could,” I agreed. “I’m willing to take that risk.”

Dominic still looked angry, so I slid close and wrapped my arms around him gently. “I’ll be careful.”

“She won’t have to be. I won’t hurt her.”

“Shut up, fuckboy. No one’s talking to you.” With a sigh, he came back to me. “This is the last chance, Mari.”

When I nodded, he hauled me closer and pressed a possessive kiss against my lips. I could feel his eyes burning into Nate’s the whole time, but I kind of liked it. Don’t get toxic, Mari. Finally, he pulled away. “I don’t like you. I don’t want you here, but if Mari says you stay, you stay.”

“I understand. I’ll make it up to you, I promise,” Nate said.

“Don’t bother. I’m not interested in apologies. Just don’t prove her wrong.”

“I won’t.” Nate jolted, grimacing as the faintest sound of buzzing reached my ears. “But I have to go now. Cash is calling.”

With a careful kiss to my forehead, one that focused all too hard on not touching Dominic, Nate slipped out of the room and the building again.

“I’m tempted to superglue the side of the building just to watch him get stuck there.”