So Dusk could survive.

More payments ached, more than I’d ever done before in one sitting. It was as if I could feel the blood seeping from those wounds.

“Tell me who I am.” My voice was low and rough, dead compared to the voice I used around her. I had to claw back everything I’d once been.

“This is some kind of joke…” Eric stammered.

“It was,” I said. “I was. To you, to your brothers. A number. A bet.”

Eric dragged himself to his feet, gaze sliding to the door, before looking back to me equal parts confused as he was afraid. He didn’t take one step before I got to my feet. I saw the movement of the swallow down his neck as he considered me.

“Tell me who I am.” I spoke each word slowly this time.

It took him a while.

It was almost satisfying, as he reached the answer. I underestimated the satisfaction I got from watching the dawning recognition in his eyes. I wanted to see his fear as he finally realised who we were.

“I d-don’t know what you want me to say.”

“Fuck with me, Eric, and I will break every finger, just to hear the sound of them snapping.”

It was a promise I wasn’t far from.

His lips drew back in a snarl, and his aura split the air. He made for the door in an instant, but I mirrored his movement, my aura smothering his with ease. I slammed him against the wall, not caring how hard his head hit it.

“You’re m-mad,” he said.

“And why is that?” My grip tightened at his neck, and blood trickled down the side of his head. His lips were still drawn back, but he looked more terrified than arrogant now. “Tell. Me.”

“You’re…” His voice was choked as he stared at me. “You’re 66.”



I’d wanted to wait, but I could feel Dusk’s panic through the bond when I pried into it. I tried not to surface, knowing my fear would make things worse, but I could tell from his desperation that things were bad.

I didn’t have time to wait.

So, I slipped back down the hallway to the room I knew they were in.

“Has Jasmine been blowing up your phone?” Flynn asked. “She’s getting irritating.”

“Yeah.” Gareth snorted. “You think that’s where Eric went?”

“If he had, why is she still texting us? And he shouldn’t have left. Directly against what Sato said.”

“Stupid that we have to wait in here,” Gareth grumbled.

I finally dared poke my head around to see him on the metal chair, and Flynn still leaning on the table which was now hosting a box of pizza.

“They’re on the last checks. I’m happy to lie low, if it means not waking up to those pricks at my doorstep.”

“You think this is going to work?” Gareth asked. “Take her and hope they give it up?”

“They’ll have to, eventually. Or they’ll get bored when there’s no bragging rights. This is a pissing match for them anyway. But for now—” Flynn cut off as he spotted me in the doorway. “What?”

“Can I speak to you?” I asked, glancing between them.