“You know,” I breathed in her ear. “I think we have a stalker.” She went still, trying to look up at me, but I held her against my chest. “Curl up just like this until the others come. I don’t want anyone watching to know you’re all hot and bothered.”

They could keep guessing at the nature of our relationship, and it was a rather convenient show they’d just walked in on.

“I’m not,” she hissed, sounding so cute and bratty.

“I’ll have to punish you later for lying to me again, Gem,” I replied for only her to hear.

She didn’t say anything, but I felt her fingers dig into my shirt, another shiver running through her. It was official.

I loved her grudges.

I shot a text to Umbra and Ransom, then set my phone down, stroking my thumb along her waist on the underside of her shirt again. I halted as the beginnings of a purr rose in her chest before she caught it and passed it off as a cough.

Stifling my smile, I leaned close. “Are you upset that we might have been seen?” I asked quietly. There was a long pause, then she shook her head incrementally.

“That’s my sweet omega,” I murmured.

I turned a page of the textbook absently, one hand always on her waist possessively. If there was someone watching, I would show them she belonged to me.

It could be random, but I didn’t have room to believe in chance.

Either it was a member of the Lincoln pack, or it was Mord Sato. Well, that, or I was jumping at shadows. But I didn’t have room to doubt, not when those pricks could get into the safe at any moment.

It took ten minutes for Ransom and Umbra to show up, though they waited just beyond the bookcase, giving us space like I’d asked. Umbra was eyeing me curiously, but Shatter would catch them up.

I straightened, turning on the bench so she’d be able to leave.

“Kiss me goodbye, Gem,” I said before she drew away.

Her eyes flashed, and I didn’t think I was out of the doghouse quite enough to think she was just acting for our stalker. She took my face in her hands and drew me close, plush lips pressed into a bratty frown the whole time.

“Lace tonight,” I said. “And I want you in my bed when I get back.”

Her expression went dark, clearly furious with my request, but she didn’t argue. “Shall I wait up?” she asked coldly.

I grinned, squeezing her ass and drawing my teeth along her neck hard enough that she let out a little whine.

God, I loved her.

“I don’t care if you’re awake or asleep when I punish those tight little holes of yours.”

That, I said loud enough that whoever was back there definitely heard.

When she stood and stepped back, she was wringing her hands, eyes darting around the space like she was trying to find a way out. All the while, I felt nothing but a thrill of anticipation down the bond.

“Is that everything?” she asked, voice wobbly.


With that, she grabbed her books and backed up, hurrying toward Ransom and Umbra, glancing back at me anxiously once.

I stifled my smile. Pissed at me or not, she knew how to act. I hadn’t seen nervousness like that from her since I’d first met her. And no matter what there was one command still between us. The one in which I’d instructed her to tell me if I ever told her to do something that made her uncomfortable.

When they were gone, I closed the textbook and leaned back, waiting a minute before speaking. “Enjoy the show?”

Would they come out?

If there was some random coward behind that bookshelf who tried to run, we’d be paying off another pack to shut their mouths about a hospital visit.