With only one step left, it still looked like it had been made by a toddler with a hammer.

Some marriage gift.

But, I couldn’t give her nothing.

She was my wife, and my wedding gift to Shatter wouldn’t be something I bought with the click of a button or a swipe of a card. No. My omega deserved a thought-out gift that was made just for her.

Something I made for her with my own two hands.

And I’d made… this.

A bookshelf that made unsettling groans when nudged. Maybe I should just scrap the whole?—

“You build?”

Dusk’s voice had me whirling where I stood.

He was crossing the workshop, looking around curiously with his oxfords clipping the paint stains and sawdust across the floor.

“How did you find me?” I demanded, stepping between him and the bookshelf so he couldn’t see the tragedy I’d made.

Dusk cocked an eyebrow at me, half a grin on his face. “I was wondering what the paint purchases were all about.”

My cheeks flashed hot. “You’re watching my purchases?”

“Like there isn’t anything that could possibly stand out more on Kingsman bank statements than purchases from a hardware store.” He tugged up the sleeves of his black button up, grinning. “Need help?”

“No.” I narrowed my eyes at him. I doubted he’d be any better than me.

Plus, it was his fault we were in this mess.

He drew up slightly, eyes falling on the paint can. “Oh.” I saw the comprehension in his eyes. “This is…”

“A wedding gift,” I said. “For the woman you married into the pack without telling us.”

I put my hand on the shelf protectively, which was a mistake, because it wobbled rather dangerously.

Ah. Shit.

“Doesn’t matter, anyway. I can’t give it to her.”

Nope. No way could I give it to her. I’d give her something else for now—we’d have to buy more bookshelves from the store. I would practise making bookcases a hundred more times and then I would give her one from me.


But what if she got attached to the one from the furniture store? What if she liked it enough that she wanted to put our wedding photos on it?

I fought back a growl, my jaw going tight.

This could be the only window I ever had to make a shelf she’d want.

“She’s going to love it,” Dusk said.

I blinked. “She’ll… What?”

“Love it.”

“It’s not very sturdy. Or upright.”