Madness stirred like a light breeze disturbing dust down an old, forgotten alley.

It was the middle of the night, and I’d just returned. The ruins of my omega’s nest lay about me: splintered wood from pieces of bookshelves and shredded leaves of textbooks strewn across the floor. The air was cool from the broken window across the hall in Dusk’s room.

The Lincoln pack—alphas I now knew held territory even within the bounds of my pack and family—had broken into our home to take more.

All of what was under my protection, destroyed.

What should be hers, gone.

More taken from me, just like it had been taken before…

Carnage lurked around every corner, white walls of the old facility were now a canvas of crimson. Alphas executed in cages like mutts that had used up their value.

We were next.

I was weak, leaning on Dusk to stay up. With every step, congealing blood glued my feet to the floor. He was mine to save.

My pack…

More gunshots sounded in the distance.

In Shatter’s nest, the covers and sheets upon the bed were torn, their fluffy, white insides spread across the room. Pens and pencils were snapped and scattered around.

Her desk was broken, splintered in two, and there were deep gouges across the walls.

It was everything important to her. My precious omega’s perfect world.

“Nothing you have is yours…” Vandle’s voice echoed in my head.

I hadn’t protected her—we couldn’t, not even with the one thing that should be ours to offer. The greatest gift an alpha was born with. Yet, her sanctuary, the safety we’d promised, was poisoned. Just like the bond upon her neck—the ultimate claim and commitment we had to offer.

It was turned to dust before our eyes.

Cracked walls of hallway after hallway looked the same. Footsteps echoed down the next, every sound bouncing dully off of concrete.

In seconds, we were met with guns, and two men clad in suits, wearing masks.

My aura flared, just for a moment, then shuttered out. I was too weak. The only body I had in this life, stripped to the bone from test after test.

They were going to take him from me…

We were dead.

A low growl shuddered in my chest as Dusk stepped in front of me, his aura flaring. Stronger than mine now.

It would do no good.

When the gunshots sounded, I tensed, desperate to die before I saw his body like the rest.

Only, it wasn’t Dusk that fell.

Our executioners crumpled, gunshots ringing in my ears, but we were caught by only the splintering dust and debris from where a bullet exploded into the old concrete at our left.

Behind them was another. An alpha that did not look like he should be here at all. His auburn hair was in a messy bun, and he wore a dress shirt, vest, and jeans like he was going on a night out in the city. His pure white sneakers were smeared with splatters of red.