“You didn’t think you were driving, were you? Do you not recall what happened in the last half an hour?” She makes me relive the sadness and agony all over again.

I lug my suitcase out the door with Bella following me.

I stop suddenly. “Wait, why didn’t you pack a suitcase?”

“I have everything I need at home. I just want you to be okay. You’re all I care about right now.” The sincerity in Bella’s voice nearly takes me out. “Do you want me to tell Sage what’s going on or do you want to do it?” She looks at the door to the apartment, twisting the knob to double-check that it’s locked.

“I don’t have the energy if I’m being honest. If you want to tell her, be my guest.”

Bella gives me two thumbs up, signaling she understands me.

I drag my suitcase to our favorite place.

The staircase of hell.

Hightower, our off-campus apartment complex, is notorious for not having elevators. Unfortunately, our only option is to go up and down these stairs.

Bella and I both look at each other, rolling our eyes and groaning at the same time.

I feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead by the time we reach the first floor.

Bella grabs my suitcase, booking it for my Honda CRV.

I try to keep up with her, despite how out of breath I am.

When it’s summer in Florida, it doesn’t matter if I lift weights or not. The mix of sweltering heat and humidity makes for a deadly combination.

I reach the car, taking a deep breath. Climbing in, I put my purse by my feet and lean my head back onto the headrest.

Bella gets in, throwing her purse in the back behind the driver’s seat. “I put your suitcase in the h—are you okay?” She tilts her head, a smile forming on her sweet face.

Fuck, I’m such a mess.

“Just breathe,” she adds. “You’re going to be okay. You hear me?”

I nod as a silent response because I’m not in the mood to talk right now.

All I can think about is how Laura’s feeling.





Everything in between.

This is how I felt when my dad passed away.

This is different though.

This is her husband and daughter.

I can feel the tears swelling up in my eyes again.

Get your shit together, Dani.