No fucking way.
Kneeling down, I notice Dani has her own collection of mysteries and thrillers. Some of which I notice are the same books I have. A breathy laugh leaves my mouth as I look up at her knockdown ceiling.
The bookcase is filled to the brim with romance books. There are books messily stacked on top of each other.
Whipping my head around, I see the journal I got for her sophomore year of high school sitting on her desk.
Holy shit, she kept it. And she’s been using it. I thought she would’ve thrown it away.
It’s pretty beat up, but she’s kept it in good condition considering it’s around eight or nine years old. Opening it up, I skim through it and read through some of the shit she’s written in it.
I forgot how beautiful her handwriting is.
After, my eyes shoot to the bulletin board above her desk with a quote on it.
Remember to breathe.
A few photos of her, Bella, and Sage are pinned on there. There’s one of the three of them at our high school graduation. Another one at Loggerhead Beach.
There’s a photo strip of her and my mom from Sweet & Salty’s grand opening. Goofy faces take up three of four photos.
Rolling my eyes, I laugh.
Making my way over to her dresser, I pick up the velvet box that screamed at me to be nosy and investigate.
Oh, fuck.
There’s an infinity ring inside. The one my dad gave to Dani after her father, Jacob, passed away.
I remember what Dad said when he gave the ring to Dani. It serves as a reminder that her father’s love for her will always be infinite. And that he’ll always be there, watching over her.
Slamming the drawer shut, I rush over to the bed with the ring box buried in between my thighs.
She’s been in the bathroom for a solid ten minutes now.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s having a full-on panic attack right now because I almost scared her to death and the fact that I saw her in her underwear.
The thought of her freaking out in there makes me want to see if she’s okay.
I know what it feels like when your mind is playing tricks on you.
I lean against the bathroom door, breathing heavily.
What are the odds he’d be here as I’m getting dressed? I mean, seriously. Are you fucking kidding me?
I take my hand, placing it on my chest. My thumb rubs the area in a circular motion. I breathe in and out.
My shorts are on my body in no time.
What the hell is going on with me?
This is the second time Noah’s almost seen me naked.
What’s next? My bare ass, that’s what.