Page 29 of After All This Time

Is she okay? What is she doing? Why the hell do I care? No, seriously, why do I care so much?

This is the woman who’d steal my shit when I wasn’t looking. The woman who would try to crush me at War of Words, but would unfortunately fail at it.

She’s the kind of woman who never admits defeat, and I can’t help but admit that it’s a quality I’ve admired about her since we were teenagers.

Either way, I can’t imagine any of this is easier for her.

Part of me wishes I could go back and be there for Dani. I’m just not sure if she would’ve wanted me there for her.

I wouldn’t if I was her.





hey bells, can you come pick me up?

i need to go home and take a nice, hot shower

I stare off into space.

All I can think about is Noah. I want to know what’s going on that head of his which is covered in that thick, dirty blonde hair.

Wow, what is going on with me?

The elevator dings and the doors open, snapping me out of my staring contest with the interior of the doors in front of me.


I’m in the car. Do you want to talk about what happened?


i’d rather talk to you about everything in person


Ah, I’m guessing this is earth-shattering stuff you want to talk to me about


i wouldn’t say earth-shattering, but i’m just going to say sure because i know you’re trying to get an answer out of me that i’m not going to give over text


Fine, have it your way

Walking down the hallway of the main floor of the hospital, I drag my feet along the way. I’m about to reach the sliding glass doors when I realize I need to go to the bathroom. Turning around, I push the door open to enter the ladies’ room.

Strutting out of the bathroom stall, I look up at my reflection in the mirror as I wash my hands.

My eyes are a little red and glassy.

I really didn’t get enough sleep last night to function like a normal human today, but I don’t care.