Page 25 of After All This Time

Dani’s eyes meet Xander’s, her face softening and becoming full of intrigue. “I don’t think we’ve met before.”

“We haven't, but I have heard a lot about you.” He sticks out his hand. “I’m Xander.”

She slides her hand into his, their hands interlocking for a shake. “Nice to meet you. I’m Dani.”

I roll my eyes, placing my hands on the temples of my forehead.

She walks away from Xander and leans up against the concrete wall opposite my sister’s room. She observes our conversation, studying my facial expressions and body movements.

This is making me uncomfortable.

“Is there anything we can do?” Grayson asks, sincerity cutting through his voice like a sharp knife.

“I think you guys should stay for a little while,” Dani suggests. “It would be good for Noah to be surrounded by some testosterone for a couple of hours or so. I mean he’s been around women for the past twenty-four hours.”

Xander raises his eyebrows.

Grayson opens his mouth. “She’s not wrong.”

She walks over to me. “I’m going to go home. I desperately need a shower.”

Now I’m picturing her naked body in the shower. Make it stop.

“Tell the guys how you feel. It doesn’t hurt to share your emotions once in a while,” she tells me, walking towards the elevators.

She mouths “breathe” to me, then the elevator doors open and she steps inside. The doors close 30 seconds later and she’s gone.

When I turn around, Grayson and Xander are staring at me with the same smug looks written all over their faces.

“What?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.

“When are you finally going to tell Dani you’re in love with her?” Grayson blurts out.

Ugh, not this shit again.

Xander chuckles softly, he covers his mouth in an attempt to hide the fact.

I grunt, rolling my eyes. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“You’re so full of shit, Noah. You’ve been crazy about this woman since we were kids.” Grayson pauses. “You continue denying your feelings buddy. I hope you know that burying them only makes it worse.”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. I don’t have feelings for Dani. I never have and never will.” I point to the hospital room behind me. “Do you see the room behind me? My sister is in there, lying on a bed unconscious. My dad passed away yesterday. This shit with Dani is irrelevant right now. Can we drop it…please?” I beg.

He puts both of his hands up. “Alright, I’ll shut up about it.”

“Thank you,” I say through a deep breath.

“You do know he’s never going to shut up about this, right?” Xander adds, the right side of his mouth curving up to form half of a smile.

“I know,” I say.

This is exactly why I didn’t call them. I knew Grayson would lose his mind over Dani being here because he’s convinced I’m hopelessly in love with her.

I’m not hopelessly in love with her. I have no idea what I’m feeling, but I know it isn’t love.

God, my brain doesn’t feel like it’s connected to my body anymore.

Yesterday didn’t feel real, none of this does.