I blink my eyes repeatedly. “What did you just say to me?”
“Don’t act dumb. I know you heard me.”
Lizzie shakes her head, rubbing her eyes with her index and middle fingers.
“Alright, everybody, let’s calm down,” Ben says.
Getting up off the chair bed, I stand in front of Noah. “You’re not the boss of me.”
“Are you sure about that?” He challenges, inching closer to me so there’s a sliver of a gap between us.
“Oh, I’m positive,” I say.
“Fine,” he says. “You wanna air all our shit out? Then, let’s do it. Right here. Right now.”
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Lizzie says.
Laura turns to her. “It’s not, but we’re going to just go with it because they’re not going to listen to us.”
I place my hand on my hip. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I think you’re asking the wrong person that question.”
“Why didn’t you tell me tonight was our last family game night?”
He raises an eyebrow. “Uh, was I supposed to?”
My eyes widen. “Did you not hear when your mom said you were supposed to tell me?”
He clears his throat. “I must’ve blacked out.”
“You could’ve told Lizzie.” Then, it hits me. “Oh, you did this shit on purpose.”
“Why would you ever think I’d be capable of doing something like that?” He smacks his lips together.
I back away from him, pacing in a small circle with my hands on the temples of my forehead. “You’re unbelievable.” I point a finger at him.
“Don’t tell me something I already know.” He winks, giving me a wicked smile.
“It’s not a compliment, dumbass.” My chest heaves. “God, I’m so tired of this.”
“Tired of what?”
“This!” I point to myself, then at him. “I swore to myself I’d never talk to you again after what you did. I was at peace and you had to fuck it all up, didn’t you? Didn’t you?” I take a moment to catch my breath. “I’m done with this. And I’m done with you.”
He narrows his eyes, scoffing. “You’re done with me?”
“After tonight, I never want to see you again. I never want to speak to you again. I just want to move on. Please, let me move on. Please,” I beg.
Tears are cascading down my cheeks as I swallow a lump down my throat.
“Then, go. Leave. I don’t give a shit what you do, Dani.”
“I hate you!” I shout, straining my voice in the process.
I sprint out of the house before he can say anything else to me, stopping outside to collect myself.
I don’t look back.