Page 95 of After All This Time

“There will always be comments and questions from the Peanut Gallery.”

I break out of his trance and unbuckle my seatbelt. “You should go inside. Sammy probably missed you.” I smile, blinking my eyes in slow motion.

He moves his hand away from his cheek while the other hand shifts from his lips to his chin in a swift motion. “You know I bet Sammy has missed you a lot. I think you should come in with me and say hi.” His eyebrow lifts up and he grins at me.

“Fine, I’ll come in with you and say hi.”

I get out of the car and so does Noah. The car doors slam shut.

I walk to the front door, observing the porch.

Noah walks up to me with hands in the pockets of his shorts.

I look at him. “I guess my mom is still taking care of the landscaping.”

He cocks his head. “What makes you say that?”

“Everything’s alive.” My voice goes up an octave, giggling with my mouth closed.

“Are you accusing my family of being plant murderers?” He bites down on the corner of his bottom lip.

“Maybe I am. Maybe I’m not. You’ll never know.” I hold in a laugh, grinning ear to ear.

As we step closer to the front door, I can hear loud barking from inside the house.

I point to him. “I want you to know Sammy is the only dog I tolerate. No dog will ever compare to him.”

I have never been a dog person. I don’t hate them, but I don’t love them either. I’ve had cats my entire life, so I gravitate towards them more.

“I know how much you love dogs, so it means a lot to me you’re here to visit him. I know it means more to Sammy though.” Sarcasm rings throughout his voice.

He puts his hand on his upper chest, eyes closed and lips spread as a flat line.

Inserting the key into the lock, he turns it until it makes a clicking noise and twists it so the door opens.

Sammy comes running out and heads straight for me.

His tail wags back and forth, breathing heavily to express his excitement. He’s gotten so big since the last time I saw him, which was in my sophomore year of high school.

“Look who it is, Sammy boy. It's Dani. You remember her, right?”

He gives me a nudge in the ass and comes back around. He sits in front of me, panting with his tongue sticking out.

“Hi, buddy.” I pet his head, feeling his soft fur underneath the palm of my right hand.

I meet Noah’s gaze like magnets that stick on a refrigerator.

This is how I’m going to be murdered.

By looking into Noah Kaplan’s eyes.



I know why death stares are called death stares, but the way Dani is staring at me tells me she doesn’t want to kill me.

I’d love for her to do other things to me that don’t involve killing me. Okay, I’m getting way too ahead of myself.