Am I dreaming or is this actually real? The irony is he’s trying to play it off like he didn’t actually say it. I mean he technically didn’t, but I’m counting it.
I’m debating whether or not I should tell him I find him attractive too or say if I should say a quality I find attractive about him like he did with me.
I’m going to go with the second option. Let’s just hope I don’t regret it after this.
Noah and I are standing in front of the passenger door of his car.
I remove my arm from his neck, moving in front of him so he can’t get in.
His eyes are looking around the parking lot, trying to figure out what I’m doing.
You got this, Dani. Tell him what quality you find attractive about him. Don’t fuck it up. No pressure or anything.
“If we’re playing this game, do you want to know one of the things I find the most attractive about you?”
He’s staring at me in disbelief.
We’re so close I can feel his body heat sizzling its way through every layer of my skin. Our lips are only a few inches away from each other.
I take a gulp and clear my throat as quietly as possible. “The way you care so deeply about your family. Honestly, just the way you love people unconditionally. It’s an admirable quality in a person.”
A big smile grows on Noah’s face, lighting it up like candles on a menorah. “You want to know another thing I find attractive about you?” he asks, closing the gap between us.
I thought I would be safe from the Florida heat by wearing my hair in a high ponytail, but I didn’t account for my body getting hot because of a guy.
Not just any guy, but because of Noah freaking Kaplan.
I wet my lips, my heart beating so loud it wouldn’t surprise me if he could hear it. “What?”
“The fact that I can make you blush so damn easily,” he whispers in my left ear, swiping the pad of his thumb over my cheek.
A small breathy giggle escapes my mouth.
His hot breath finds a home on the skin in between my neck and shoulder.
“Get in the car, Kaplan,” I demand, glaring at him.
“Move your ass out of my way so I can get in the car, Solomon.”
“I’m not moving. You’ll just have to walk around me.” I stand proud and tall, crossing my arms in front of my breasts.
He scoffs. “Fine, have it your way.”
He extends his arm to open the passenger door and pulls the handle with his hand, but he can’t open it unless I move out of the way.
“Don’t even think about it,” I say firmly.
“You don’t even know what I’m going to do.”
“I know you better than you think I do.”
“Oh yeah?” He slings me over his right shoulder.
A little scream leaves my mouth. “Put me down. Right now.” My hands are flailing all over the place as he secures me by holding the back of my thighs.
He places me down in front of the driver’s door.
After all that, he managed to open the car door for me like a gentleman. I guess that’s his way of apologizing to me for being an asswipe.