Page 77 of After All This Time

He winks his left eye while both corners of his lips curve up to produce a smile.

“You know this is what a prince does for his princess in romance movies and books. He comes to her rescue.”

“I don’t call you Princess for the hell of it you know.”

A small chuckle escapes my mouth as my lips curve up. “Would that make you my prince then?”

“I would say that’s pretty accurate.” Noah breaks out into this laugh, one I bet the entire shopping center can hear.

Oh, he definitely has feelings for me. I think.

“Good to know,” I say.

We both get into the car and he backs out of the parking space we were parked in. Coastal Shores is on the other side of the Promenade. It’s not too far away.

Closing my eyes, I wrap my arms around my stomach and waist. I need to feel what it’s like having Noah’s arms around me again. It’s not the same because my arms are much smaller than his.

We pull into another parking space that’s closer to Coastal Shores and he turns the engine off.

I lean my head back up, opening my eyes and feeling a hole burning through the side of my head from him staring at me.

My lips twitch. “What are you staring at?”

“Someone’s hungry, huh?”


He turns to me. “You know how I know? You get all cranky. Your face scrunches up and you look like you want to murder someone.”

“That can be arranged.”


“We can run back to the house and I can get the flashlight. I might need it in case you really annoy the shit out of me.” I wink at him.

He chuckles. “It’s my life’s mission to annoy the shit out of you, Solomon.”

“Glad we’re on the same page,” I say, getting out of the car and walking up to the front door to Coastal Shores.

Noah holds the door open for me and I look up at him.

“This is another thing a prince does for their princess. He holds the door open for her.”

“I know,” he says before he breaks out into this laugh that mesmerizes the crap out of me.

Once we make it inside, I make a beeline to two empty seats at the bar. Putting my purse by my feet, I slouch down on the seat.

“Why are you putting your purse under your feet? You could trip over it and fall again.”

“Well, you’re always here to catch me if I fall. Isn’t that right, Prince Charming?” The corner of my lips rises up as my eyebrow furrows.

“Alright, you got me.”

“Is that who I think it is?” A female voice says as she walks towards us.

Tan skin glistens from the reflection of the sunlight peeking through the windows. Dark brunette hair that’s perfectly straightened. Familiar hazel eyes meet my gaze.

Valerie Castillo-Ryder.