rude, i could never. it’s just been so fucking crazy lately
relax, i’m just busting your non-existent balls. well, bella basically told me everything, so there’s no need to update me
what’s everything?
she told me about ben. i’m really sorry, dani. she told me how you and noah have been flirting with each other. gross. oh and how you two are in love with each other. again, gross
hold up. we’re not flirting and we’re not in love with each other. you were given inaccurate information
you keep gaslighting yourself there. anyways, please keep me updated. i thought you got murdered or something. don’t ever do that to me again or i will murder you myself!
i promise. love you
I hear footsteps and then a knock on my bedroom door.
Opening the door, I see Noah standing in front of me giving me this smug look that’s written all over his face.
“What do you want?” I ask.
“Cranky are we?”
“Oh, shut up.” I snap my eyes shut and open them. “I can’t write. Nothing is coming out. Nothing. The blinking line is still mocking me. I can’t take it anymore.”
He walks into my bedroom, slamming the lid to shut my laptop. “Come with me.”
I follow him into the kitchen, standing in front of the refrigerator.
He leans against the oven, a smirk slowly appearing across his lips and staring at me.
“What are we doing here? Are you just going to stare at me until I dissolve into nothing? Oh, wait, I have an idea. Let’s see who can dissolve who first. I bet you’ll win because my brain feels like it's going to explode. And I’m tired as shit.”
He walks closer, eyes glued on me.
The smallest of gaps is in between us, but no gap can deny the buzz I’m feeling in my bones and everywhere else.
“I’ve known you for a pretty long time. And I know you ramble when you’re nervous. Am I making you nervous?”
Yes, you’re making me fucking nervous.
Backing up into the stainless steel fridge, I jump from the cool metal meeting the skin of my back through the thin fabric of my top.
He’s doing this shit on purpose.
I just know it.