I’ll be back at the hospital tomorrow morning and give you updates when I get them
Again, I love you bro
What about me?
Yeah, yeah. Love you too. Sometimes
I turn my phone off and close my eyes, hoping I’ll get some sleep.
But I doubt I will because my brain doesn’t want to rest.
Please fucking rest.
Fuck, I can’t sleep.
I glance at the clock and it’s 12:30 in the morning and I’m hungry.
We have that cake from Marina’s. God, I love Marina.
I remove the covers off my body and quietly make my way into the kitchen. Turning on the light, I see Dani standing there with the styrofoam box in her hands.
We both scream.
“Fuck. Why do you do that?” she asks, her eyes widening and placing her hand over her heart.
“Like I knew you were going to be in here.”
“You should. You seem to have a radar for when I’m around.”
“I’m not a meteorologist.”
She squints her eyes. “The next time you scare the shit out of me, it might actually kill me.”
I walk closer to her, looking into the box. “What the hell?” I cock my head. “Marina didn’t give you the cake, so you can hog it all.”
“No, but I figured you don’t like chocolate, so…”
“You know it’s not nice to make assumptions.” I shake my head, pressing my lips together. “Give it to me.”
She backs away with the cake in her hand, inserting a piece of it into her mouth. “You want it?” She hides the box behind her back. “Come and get it.”
I don’t have the energy for this shit.
Boxing Dani in, I grab the container from her and then a fork from one of the drawers behind her. “That was unnecessary, don’t you think?”
“That was perfectly necessary,” she says as she giggles.
“You have chocolate fudge all over your face,” I say.
She pulls her neck in slightly. “Do I?”