Page 49 of After All This Time

“Here’s something you don’t understand. Women can’t just go out somewhere. Sometimes we have to change our clothes. Shower. Put makeup on…”

“I know. I have a sister. I can say if you’re not ready in fifteen minutes, I’m leaving without you.”

I roll my eyes. “Okay, get out.” I push Noah towards the door.

“You know I could just turn around…like I did this morning,” he suggests, raising an eyebrow and smirking at me.

“Get. The. Hell. Out.”

When I close the door in his face, I change my clothes.

Opting for an all black outfit that consists of a v-neck blouse with buttons and jeans, I throw them on my bed.

I’ve never gotten dressed so fast in my life.

I nod and exhale as I run to the bathroom to fix my hair.

God, the humidity really hasn’t done my hair any favors.

Plugging my waver into the wall, I run it through my hair to calm the frizz.

I slip on a pair of black wedges on my way out of my bedroom, seeing Noah standing there in a button-down shirt, jeans, and a pair of black and white Converse.

What the hell is he trying to do to me?



Dani’s standing in front of me in a v-neck shirt that has buttons, except the buttons aren’t buttoned all the way up. They’re buttoned up for me to see a sneak peek of her cleavage.

Fuck, I can’t stop staring at her.

“What the hell are you staring at?” She snaps me out of my daze.

I clear my throat. “Can we go already?”

“Awe, is someone hungry?” She grins, slinging her purse over her shoulder.

We walk out the front door and she locks it behind us.

“Are we taking your car or mine?” I ask.


She pulls her car keys out of her back pocket. I have to look away from her because her jeans are hugging her ass so well.

This is fucking torture, man. Why am I doing this to myself? More importantly, why is she doing this to me?

She throws me the keys and I catch them in my hands.

“You’re driving,” she says.

“I figured that out when you threw the keys at me.”

“You’re lucky they didn’t hit you in the face.”

“Well, you already hit me in the face with your freezer. I think that’s enough for today, don’t you?”