Page 48 of After All This Time

Her gaze meets mine. “Yeah, you know why?”

Studying Dani from her eyes to her torso makes me realize something.

How was I so repulsed by this woman? I never knew I could be hypnotized by a woman who I fought with all the time.

She laughs, brightening up her entire face. “Why?”

“Because you’re here. With me.”



I clear my throat, taking myself out of Noah’s trance and getting up off the bathroom floor. “How’s your forehead?”

He doesn’t answer me.

Lightly brushing my finger on the area surrounding the scratch on his forehead, Noah shudders as he gets up and his body shakes like a tremor from an earthquake.

“Am I hurting you?”

His face softens as he moves closer to me. “No, you’re not hurting me.”

I don’t feel like vomiting from the close proximity.

I look away for a few seconds to break the tension, but it doesn’t work.

His ocean eyes are burning an invisible hole through the side of my head. “Now that I’m all fixed, we’re going to have to discuss the whole dinner situation.”

“Why, because we don’t have anything here to eat?” I cross my arms in front of my chest.


“And who’s fault is that? Why didn’t you run to the grocery store to get food?”

He shrugs his shoulders. “The thought never occurred to me.”

“Of course the thought never occurred to you.”


“I have an idea of what we could do.”

I look up at the bathroom ceiling. “Oh, I can’t wait to hear this brilliant idea of yours.”

“We go get dinner and pick up groceries afterward.”

I drop my head back down. “Where are we going to get dinner, smart ass?”

He shakes his head, rolling his eyes. “I don’t care. Name a place.”

Why is it that some guys can’t make decisions? It’s so irritating.

“Marina’s,” I blurt out.

Marina’s Diner has been around for over eighty years. I remember when Dad and I used to go there every Wednesday afternoon for burger night.

“Fine. Let’s go,” he says.