“I know. I can’t believe what I just said either,” I say, petting the soft, thick golden fur that sits atop his head.
Sammy follows me to the door.
He sits down right on his butt, wagging his tail back and forth.
He doesn’t move.
The look he’s giving me right now is killing me. As much as it pains me to leave him alone for several more hours, I have to.
Twisting the doorknob, I wave goodbye to Sammy as I make my way out of the house.
My car key jingles in my hand until I unlock my car. I plant my ass in the driver’s seat and turn the car on. The cool air conditioner blasts in my face, causing me to close my eyes and smile. The heat in Sunset Cove this summer is no joke. You go outside, and you’re already sweating your ass off.
The heat is the least painful thing I have to think about since I have to wrap my head around the fact I’m going to be staying with Dani for who knows how long.
Why did I agree to this?
As I’m washing the body wash off myself, I can’t help but think about Lizzie. How the hell did I get any sleep knowing the state she’s in? I could barely look at her yesterday because I’ve never seen her in such a vulnerable state before.
And Ben.
Breathing in and out, my eyes are getting glassy, but I don’t let any tears fall because I’m so tired. First, my dad. Now him. It’s not fair.
Life isn’t fair.
God, poor Laura. The way she ran to me broke my heart. She’s always been such a positive and upbeat person. Seeing her broken like this feels as if she’s a different person. This isn’t the same Laura I spent so much time with growing up.
So much for washing the pain away. It’s seeping its way deep into my bones now.
And then there’s Noah.
I didn’t want to come here because I knew I’d risk running into him. I mean how could I not when this is his family we’re talking about?
It was inevitable.
There’s something I can’t seem to wrap my head around. The way I let my guard down to help him when he had his first panic attack in front of me.
His ocean eyes were hypnotizing the shit out of me more than they ever have before. The way his hand intertwined with mine and how warm his body was against mine made me feel things.
Snap out of it, Dani.
I turn off the shower, and grab the towel hanging over the towel bar, hunching over so my head is upside down. I wrap it tightly around my head so it stays in place. Concealing my naked body in my towel wrap, I make sure the velcro is lined up correctly.
Stepping out of the shower, I notice how steamed up the mirror is. I can’t see my reflection.
Maybe that’s a good thing.
I wipe my hand across the mirror to reveal myself in my current state.