Page 179 of After All This Time

The nurse nods her head, rolling the wheelchair further into the room. She helps Lizzie get into it.

I can’t help but notice my sister is checking her out.

“You’re very pretty…” She looks at her I.D. badge to get her name. “Leia. Like Princess Leia from Star Wars?”

“Elizabeth!” I shout.


“I’m sorry about my sister. She’s on a ton of pain meds.”

Lizzie flips me off, causing Dani to burst out into laughter.

“No need to apologize. Let’s get you out of here, Miss Elizabeth.”

She gives Nurse Leia an extended salute. “Yes, ma’am.”

I check around the room to make sure that we all have everything.

Once I see we have everything, Leia pushes Lizzie out of the room and towards the elevator.

Dani and I follow at a measly pace. Interlocking her hand with mine, Dani looks up at me with those big beautiful brown eyes of hers.

I’m such a goner for this woman.

Leia rolls my sister into the elevator, but there’s not enough room for all of us to fit in there.

“Why don’t you wait for the next one?” Lizzie smirks, licking her lips and raising her eyebrows.

My sister’s a mind reader. I swear she crawls inside my head and finds out all the dirty things I’m thinking about. It’s not only cruel. It's highly disturbing.

“Bad idea,” Dani says in a hushed tone into my ear.

“Sometimes bad ideas are actually good ideas in disguise.”

“See you guys downstairs,” Lizzie tells us as her middle fingers dance in the air.

God, how many drugs is she on?

“You’re such a…” The elevator door closes. “Moron.”

I press the down button.

Dani steers clear at any chance of looking me in the eyes.

I can’t take my eyes off her. The way her dark brunette hair frames her beautiful face. How her tank top is hugging every damn curve. How easy it is to make her blush, smile, and laugh.

The elevator doors open.

We step inside.

I can tell she’s waiting for me to make a move. Tension engulfs the air swirling around us. It’s so thick you couldn't cut it with a sharp knife.

To my chagrin, she walks over to me. Her hips are swaying back and forth just to test my raging hormones.

My heart sinks all the way down to my stomach. Nerves are radiating throughout my body. “You coming over to kiss me, Solomon?”

“What would give you that impression?”